
Terms for subject Information technology containing обработка событий | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
макрокоманда обработки событияevent macro
модуль обработки событийevent module
обработка событий по прерываниямevent trapping
обработка событияevent handling (Inchionette)
обработка, управляемая событиямиevent-driven processing
поток обработки событийevent dispatch thread (PAYX)
потоковая обработка событийESP (Event Stream Processing; Event stream processing (ESP) is a software capacity designed to support implementation of event-driven architectures. In an environment where some software entities produce events, other entities manage events, and still others consume events, event stream processing may be properly ascribed to the event manager. This kind of software entity is constantly fielding events, and deciding whether or not to forward them to event consumers for subsequent reactions that can range from simple logging to triggering complex collection of error handling, recovery, clean-up, and other related routines. swatimathur4)
программа обработки событияevent service routine
процедура обработки событияevent procedure
событие, ожидающее очереди на обработкуpending event