
Terms for subject Electronics containing S | all forms | exact matches only
agent's lien代理人留置权
airborne intercept radar and pilot's attack sight system机载截击雷达与驾驶员攻击瞄准系统
Akaike's information criterion阿凯克信息判据
alternator's support交流发电机机座
Ampere's circuital law安培定律
Ampere's circuital law安培电路定律
Ampere's rule安培法则
application layer's extension应用层扩展
Atterberg's consistence阿太堡稠度
aviator's night vision imaging system飞行员夜视成像系统
Avogadro's number阿伏加德罗数
Avogadro's number阿伏伽德罗数 (NA=6.022045×10²³/mol)
B and S gageBS线规
B and S gage美国线规
Baliga's figure of merit巴利加优值数
banker's margin银行存款保证额[指存款的一部分不能自由取出]
beacon, ultra-portable S-band超小型S 波段无线电信标设备
Beaufort's scale蒲福风级
because it's time network学术计算机网络一种连接了北美、欧洲和日本2 500多所大学和研究机构的大型计算机网络
Bernoulli's equation伯努利方程
Bernoulli's theorem伯努利定理[水力学]
bird's beak鸟嘴等平面氧化中出现的大块氧化物突起
Blavier's test布莱维尔试验[寻找电缆故障的一种方法]
Boltzmann's constant玻耳兹曼常数 k = 1.380662×10⁻²³ J/K k dielectric constant 介电常数
Boltzmann's constant玻耳兹曼常数[=1.3709x10-6尔格/绝对温度]
Britain's National Computing Center英国国家计算中心
British Industrial Measuring and Control Apparatus Manufacturer's Association英国工业测量与控制设备制造商协会
builder's hoist施工卷扬机
builder's knot绳索死结
builder's license施工执照
builder's license施工许可证
calling party,s category主叫用户类型
calling party,s category呼叫方类别
carpenter's yard木工场
cat's whisker触须线
cat's whisker晶须
cat's whisker游丝
cat's whisker螺旋弹簧
cat's whisker晶体管触须
cat's whiskers寄生振荡
cat's whiskers触〔晶〕须
Central People,s Broadcasting Station中央人民广播电台中国
Central People's Radio Station中央人民广播电台中国
China's Internet中国公用计算机互联网
choking ampere's turn扼流安匝
commander's independent thermal viewer指挥员专用热像仪
commanding officer's tactical display system指挥官用战术显示系统
commercial beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction code商用 BASIC 语言
commercial beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction code商用初学者的通用符号指令码
commutation's turn换向线匝
complementary two's complement互补二进制补码
consumer request's test按用户要求试验
cost, insurance, freight ex ship's hold成本、保险费、运费至轮船舱底交货价 (C.I.F. ex ship's hold)
cost, insurance, freight under ship's tackle成本、保险费、运费至轮船吊钩下交货价 (C.I.F. under ship's tackle)
D-S converter数字码-自同步机转子转角变换器
D-S converter数字-同步信号转换器
D'Alembert's principle达朗贝尔原理
dead-man's handle事故急刹车手柄
design verification's test设计验证试验
development's test研制试验
development's test试制品试验
deviation from Matthiessen's rule背离马希森定则的偏差
Duhamel's integral杜阿美尔积分
earth's axis地轴
Earth's electric field大地电场
Earth's magnetic field大地磁场
earth's mantel地壳
Einthoven's galvanometer埃所文检流计
Einthoven's galvanometer弦线电流计
Electric Printer's Sons Corporation爱普生公司日本
Electric Printer's Sons Corporation电打印机之子公司
Electrical and Electronic Manufacturer's Association of Canada加拿大电气与电子制造商协会
electrician's solder电工焊锡
Electronic Industries Association's electronic design interchange format电子工业协会电子设计交换格式
Electronic Industries Association's Information and Telecommunications Technologies Group电子工业协会信息与通信技术组
Euler's equation欧拉方程
European Economic Community's on-line network欧洲经济共同体联机网络
European Lithography Innovation S.A.欧洲光刻新技术公司
extended beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction code扩充的 BASIC 语言
extended beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction code扩充的初学者的通用符号指令码
Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction法拉第电磁感应定律
Ferranti's rectifier弗兰提整流器
Fick's law斐克定律
field's tie动力工程外部联络
fitter's work钳工工作
fitter's work装配工作
forwarder's bill of lading代运行提单
future,s inventory replenishment system technology未来物资补充系统技术
glauber's salt结晶硫酸钠
Green's function Monte Carlo method格林函数蒙特卡罗法
high-speed's transient快速暂态过程
IMEC's Industrial Affiliation Program大学校际微电子中心工业联盟计划比利时
industrial's test工业试验
Information Technology User's Association信息技术用户协会
instrument's terminal仪表接线柱
instrument's terminal仪表端子
intercompany's tie电力公司间的联络
Johnson's figure of merit约翰逊优值指数最大允许电压与截止频率之积
joiner's glue木工胶
joiner's glue细木用胶水
joiner's glue水胶
Joule's law焦耳-楞茨定律
Joule-Lenz's law焦耳-楞茨定律
Kirchhoff's current law equation基尔霍夫电流定律方程
Kirchhoff's first law基尔霍夫第一定律[电流定律]
Kirchhoff's law基尔霍夫定律
Kirchhoff's law of radiation基尔霍夫辐射定律
Kirchhoff's second law基尔霍夫第二定律[电压定律]
Kjellstrom's random search method克雷斯特罗姆随机检索法
Korean People,s Democratic Republic朝鲜民主主义人民共和国
Lenz's rule楞次定则[律]
lineman's climbers线路工用脚扣
Lorentz's field洛伦茨场
main's terminal原绕组端子
main's terminal主端子
making sure it's right验明[确信]其正确无误
manufacturer's productivity network制造厂生产率网络
masonry's scaffold砖工的脚手架
master's protest船长海损报告书船长海事报告;船长的船难证书
mate's receipt船上收货单[指大副收据;收货单]
maximum r.m.s. AC or DC voltage最高交流有效值电压或直流电压
microsecond μs微秒
Microsoft beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction code微软 EASIC 语言
Microsoft beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction code微软初学者的通用符号指令码
miner's lamp矿灯
Mohr's circles莫尔圆
multiparty subscriber's line多用户合用线
NASSCOM's India-Europe Software Alliance全国软件及服务公司协会印欧软件联盟印度
national's electronic autocoding technique国家电子自动编码技术
National Semiconductor Corporation's South Portland Facility国家半导体公司南波特兰实验室
NCR's applied COBOL package国家现金出纳公司应用 COBOL 语言程序包
North American ISDN User's Forum北美地区综合业务数字网用户论坛
Norway's Satellite Communications Center挪威卫星通信中心
Office Equipment Manufacturer's .Institute办公设备制造商协会
operator's head set话务员头戴式送受话器
painter's putty油灰
PCI Industrial Computer Manufacturers Group of People's Republic of China中华人民共和国外围设备互连工业计算机制造商集团
pilot's electronic eye-level presentation飞行员电子眼水平图像显示
Planck's constant上半年
Planck's constant普朗克常数 h = 6.626176×10⁻³⁴J s 1H the first half 前半时
Potier's reactance保梯电抗
President's Information Technology Advisory Committee总统信息技术咨询委员会美国
President's Scientific Advisory Council总统科学顾问委员会美国
Price's guard wire普赖斯保护线
programmer's aid in debugging程序员调试辅助程序
programmer's electronic signature程序员电子签名
programmer,s hierarchical interactive graphics system程序员分层交互图形系统
programmer's workbench memorandum macros程序员工作台备忘录宏功能
provincial people's government省人民政府
Radio and Television Manufacturer's Association无线电与电视制造商协会
RAMIS programmer,s interface快速接人管理信息系统程序员接口
relay-coil's terminal继电器线圈端
Reynold's number雷诺数 (Re)
r.m.s. withstand voltage耐受电压有效值
r.m.s. withstand voltage耐电压有效值
S-bandS 波段通信为1.7~5GHz,雷达为 2-4GHz
S-band acquisition antennaS 波段搜索天线
S-band Cassegrain diplexerS波段卡塞格伦天线共用器
S-band Cassegrain diplexerS 波段卡塞格伦双工器
S-band composite feed systemS 波段复合馈电系统
S-band exciter systemS 波段激励器系统
S-band feed systemS 波段馈电系统
S-band frequency converterS 波段变频器
S-band high-accuracy ranging and navigationS 波段高精度测距与导航
S-band megawatt transmitS 波段兆瓦发射
S-band planetary radarS 波段行星雷达
S-band power amplifierS 波段功率放大器
S-band radio transmitterS 波段无线电发射机
S-band receiver filterS 波段接收机滤波器
S-band single accessS 波段单路接人
S-band single access return linkS 波段单路接人返回链路
S-band single access userS 波段单路接人用户
S-band telemetry modification kitS 波段遥测修正工具包
S-band test antennaS 波段测试天线
S-band transmitter systemS 波段发射机系统
S-band transponderS 波段应答机
S distortionS形畸变
S effect表面电荷效应
S effectS效应
S register存储寄存器
S-shape mode filterS 形滤波器
S-shape mode filterS 形滤模器
S-shaped double coupler fiber loopS 型双耦合器光纤环路
S-type negative differential conductivityS 形负微分电导率
S-wave scattering地震的S波[次级地震波]
S-wave scattering波散射
Sandia's program for information retrieval and listing桑迪亚信息检索与编目程序
SEMI's China Standards Committee国际半导体设备与材料协会中国标准委员会
ship's angle tracking and Doppler system舰船角度跟踪与多普勒系统
ship's automated decoy interface舰船自动化诱饵接口
ship's inertial navigation system舰载惯性导航系统
ship's integrated electronic warfare system舰载综合电子战系统
ship's integrated electronics system舰载综合电子设备系统
ship's keyboard display unit舰艇键盘显示器
ship's position interpolation computer内插法船舶位置测定计算机
ship's self-contained navigation system舰载自主导航系统
Silicon on Insulator Technologies S.A.硅-绝缘体技术股份有限公司法国
Smart Battery System Implementor's Forum智能电池系统执行者论坛
Snell's law斯涅耳折射定律
software developer's kit软件开发者工具包
subscriber's apparatus line tester用户设备线路测试仪
subscriber's cable用户专用电缆
sumpner's method变压器试验的相迎负载法
Surface Mount Equipment Manufacturer's Association表面安装设备制造商协会
surface-induced deviation from Matthiessen's rule背离马希森定则的表面诱生偏差
surveyor's chain测链[长66英尺;等于20.1168米]
system programmer,s package系统编程员程序包
tender's price投标价格
the army,s combined arms weapon system陆军诸兵种合成武器系统
the Olympic Peninsula's Gateway to the Internet通向因特网的奥林匹克半岛网关
Thevenin's generator戴维宁发电机
Thevenin's generator等效发电机
Thevenin's theorem等效发电机原理
Thevenin's theorem戴维宁定理
Toshiba,s device simulation program for metal-oxide-semiconductor transistors东芝金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管器件模拟程序
transparent gateway developer's kit透明网关开发者工具包
transport layer,s extension传送层扩展
type S transmultiplexerS 型复用转接器
unified S-band communications and navigation system统一S波段通信与导航系统
unified S-band system统一 S 波段系统
user's account用户账单
user's network management system用户网络管理系统
VESA's Video Interface Digital Displays Committee视频电子产品标准协会视频接口数字显示器委员会
welding's terminal焊机接线端
Westcott s-factor韦斯科特S因子【核】
What's the matter with the diamond drill?金刚石钻出了什么问题吗?
Wilkin's effect威尔金效应[燃料短棒端部中子通量高于中部的现象]【核】
Willard's accumulator小电流放电蓄电池
Willard's accumulator维拉德蓄电池
Willard's battery维拉德电池
WWMCCS's new information system network全球军事指挥控制系统的新信息系统网络
Young's modulus弹性系数
Young's modulus of elasticity弹性模量