
Terms for subject China containing guilty | all forms | exact matches only
adjudged not guilty in a retrial再审改判无罪
adjudged not guilty in a retrial改判无罪
as being guilty of embezzlement以贪污论
be found guilty确定有罪
be guilty of criminal offence犯有刑事罪行
be held guilty确定有罪
guilty of acceptance of bribes受贿罪
guilty of embezzlement贪污罪
guilty of misappropriation of public funds挪用公款罪
guilty of offering bribe行贿罪
people guilty of corruption腐败分子
plead guilty服罪
pronounced guilty有罪判决
punish those guilty of corruption坚决惩处腐败分子
regarded as guilty of acceptance of bribes and punished for it以受贿论处
regarded as guilty of offering bribes and punished for it以行贿论处