
Terms for subject American usage, not spelling containing капли | all forms | exact matches only
закапывать каплиinstill (в глаз или ухо: instill one drop into right eye four times a day Val_Ships)
капля в мореnot to amount to a hill of pins (Bobrovska)
капля в мореnot to amount to a row of pins (Bobrovska)
капля в мореnot to amount to a row of beans (pins Bobrovska)
Капля и камень точитSlow but steady or sure wins the race, Where there's a will there's a away (Maggie)
Капля и камень точитLittle by little and bit by bit, (Maggie)
Капля и камень точитConstant dripping wears away the stone (Maggie)
который как две капли воды похож наlook-alike (He's an Elvis Presley look-alike. • Adriana Lima look-alike Dusica Savic is a Serbian model more than 10 years Lima's junior. Val_Ships)
ни каплиnary
ни капли сожаленияnot a grain of remorse (He did not feel a grain of remorse. Val_Ships)
похожи как две капли водыtwo of a kind (the guys looked like two of a kind, almost like brothers Val_Ships)
проступать каплям потаbead with sweat (Aprilen)