
Terms for subject American usage, not spelling containing once | all forms | exact matches only
a word is like a bird -- once it has flown from your mouth, you can never get it backслово не воробей, вылетит – не поймаешь
all at onceни с того ни с сего (All at once I felt dizzy and had to lie down. Val_Ships)
all at onceвсё одновременно (all at the same time: scared and excited all at once Val_Ships)
all at onceвсе в одно время (Val_Ships)
at onceбез промедления (You must come here at once. It is an emergency. Val_Ships)
at onceв то же самое время (simultaneously: Everything happened at once. Val_Ships)
at onceнезамедлительно (They must correct the error at once. Val_Ships)
at onceбез лишних разговоров (Mother told the children to come inside at once. Val_Ships)
at onceне теряя времени (Val_Ships)
every once in a whileэпизодически (Val_Ships)
every once in a whileизредка (Val_Ships)
every once in a whileнет-нет да и (Val_Ships)
every once in a whileэпизодически нет-нет да и (Val_Ships)
every once in a whileне так часто (Val_Ships)
for onceи ещё одно (в начале фразы Val_Ships)
more than onceне один раз (he had a huge nose that had been broken more that once Val_Ships)
more than onceболее чем единожды (Val_Ships)
once grandнекогда великолепный (о чём-либо старом (Once grand, the building was all getting pritty shabby now. Val_Ships)
once grandнекогда великолепный (о чём-либо старом; Once grand, the building was all getting pritty shabby now. Val_Ships)
once in a whileпорой (Val_Ships)
once in a whileнечасто (Once in a while I enjoy going fishing. Val_Ships)
once in a whileне так часто (Val_Ships)
once-offпредоставляемый единожды (the once-off offer Val_Ships)
once-overбеглая оценка (взглядом; a quick look, examination, or appraisal Val_Ships)
once-over-fightlyмельком брошенный взгляд
once-over-fightlyповерхностная оценка
once-over-fightlyбеглое ознакомление
settle the issue once and for allуладить вопрос раз и навсегда (Val_Ships)