
Terms for subject Surgery containing 瘢痕 | all forms | in specified order only
下肢瘢痕挛缩cicatricial contracture of lower extremity
不稳定瘢痕unstable scar
不稳定性萎缩瘢痕unstable atrophic scar
会阴瘢痕挛缩cicatricial contracture of perineum
会阴外阴型会阴瘢痕挛缩perineopudendal type of cicatricial contracture of perineum
会阴肛门型会阴瘢痕挛缩perineoanal type of cicatricial contracture of perineum
凹陷瘢痕depressed scar
切口瘢痕incisional scar
原发性瘢痕挛缩intrinsic cicatricial contracture
口周瘢痕挛缩perioral cicatricial contracture
口角瘢痕挛缩cicatricial contracture of corner of mouth
增生性瘢痕hyperplastic scar
大脑瘢痕cerebral cicatrix
手掌瘢痕挛缩scar contracture of palm
挛缩性瘢痕contracted scar
桥状瘢痕bridged scar
烧伤瘢痕恶性变malignant degeneration of burn scar
烧伤瘢痕挛缩burned cicatricial contracture
烧伤瘢痕挛缩burn scar contracture
特发性瘢痕疙瘩idiopathic keloid
环状瘢痕挛缩circumferential cicatricial contracture
环状瘢痕挛缩circular cicatricial contracture
瘢痕上皮cicatricial epithelium
瘢痕体质scar diathesis
瘢痕形成scar formation
瘢痕性幽门梗阻cicatricial pyloric obstruction
瘢痕性睑外翻cicatricial ectropion
瘢痕性脱发cicatricial alopecia
瘢痕性食管狭窄cicatricial esophageal stricture
瘢痕挛缩cicatricial contracture
瘢痕挛缩cicatricial contraction
瘢痕松解植皮术lysis of cicatricial contracture and skin grafting
瘢痕Marjolin ulcer
瘢痕组织cicatricial tissue
瘢痕组织填充法scar tissue buttressing method
皮肤瘢痕挛缩cicatricial contracture of skin
眼眦部瘢痕畸形scar deformity of canthus
眼睑瘢痕性内翻cicatricial entropion of eyelid
眼睑瘢痕性外翻cicatricial ectropion of eyelid
膜外瘢痕epidural scarring
稳定性萎缩瘢痕stable atrophic scar
索状瘢痕cicatricial band
线状瘢痕linear scar
继发性瘢痕挛缩extrinsic cicatricial contracture
肥厚性瘢痕hypertrophic scar
胎儿创伤无瘢痕愈合fetal scarless wound healing
瘢痕brain cicatrix
腕部瘢痕挛缩scar contracture of wrist
腘部瘢痕挛缩scar contracture of popliteal region
腹股沟瘢痕挛缩cicatricial contracture of inguinal region
腹股沟部瘢痕挛缩scar contracture of inguinal region
瘢痕挛缩cicatricial contracture of knee
萎缩性瘢痕atrophic scar
赘状瘢痕skin tag
赘状瘢痕pedunculated scar
足背瘢痕挛缩cicatricial contracture of dorsum of foot
足跖瘢痕挛缩cicatricial contracture of sole
蹼状瘢痕webbed scar
躯干瘢痕挛缩cicatricial contracture of trunk
针迹瘢痕suture mark
瘢痕挛缩cervical cicatricial contracture
颌间瘢痕挛缩intermaxillary cicatricial contracture
颜面瘢痕挛缩cicatricial contracture of face