
Terms for subject Textile industry containing height | all forms | exact matches only
ankle height踝高
bagging height拱胀高度服装起拱
beam height织轴卷绕直径
beam height经轴卷绕直径
cap height袖山高
cervical height颈椎高
cervical height颈高
clear height退圈高度
collar height后领高
collar height领高
crotch height胯高
crotch height裤裆高
crown height袖山高
crowon height袖山高
cuff height袖头高
entire height总体高
feed dog height送布牙高度
flap height袋盖高
head height line头高线
head-to-height proportion头长与身长比例
heel height鞋跟高度
height of reinforced heel加固鞋跟高
height of shoulder肩高
height of the liquor液位
height of the liquor液面高度
height of the shaft吊综高度
height of the wire起绒钢丝高度
hip height臀至地
hood height风帽高
knee height膝高
maximum calf girth height最大腓围高
missing height不编织高度
missing height浮线高度
multi-height carpet多层绒头地毯
neck height领高
neck point height领尖长
neck point height领尖高
neck rib height罗纹领高
neck-rib height罗纹领高
overall height全身长
pattern height花型高度
pile height绒头高度
pocket point height袋尖高
pocket trim height袋边高
presser foot height压脚高度
shoulder height肩高
shoulder height line肩高线
sleeve cap height袖山高
sleeve cap height袖山头高
slips height旗袍衩高
slit height旗袍衩高
slit height旗袍衩高
stand height领座高
standing height身长
standing height身高
tuck height集圈高度
uneven height of cuffs〔检〕袖头高不匀
waistband height腰头高
yoke height裙,裤机头高
yoke height过肩高