
Terms for subject Textile industry containing account | all forms | exact matches only
accommodating account调节账户
account-account dealing对账交易
account bill账目表
account book账册
account book账簿
account current活期存款
account current活期存款账户
account current往来账目
account day付款日
account day结算日
account day结账日
account debtor债务人
account department财务处
account department财会科
account department会计处
account does not balance账目不符
account executive经纪人
account executive账户执行人
account executive业务代表
account-form balance sheet账户式资产负债表
account of assets资产账
account of business营业账
account of cash现金账户
account of disbursement支出账户
account of disbursement支付账
account of exports出口商品清单
account of exports出口商品账
account of finance财务科目
account of finance财务账
account of goods purchased采购账目
account of goods purchased购货账
account of goods sales销售账
account of goods sales销货账目
account of investment投资账目
account of invisible trade无形贸易科目
account of invisible trade无形贸易账户
account of issuing L/C开证行账目
account of issuing L/C信用证开发行账户
account of sale销售账
account of sale销货账
account of visible trade有形贸易账户
account paid账项付款
account paid账单付讫
account paid已付账目
account paid账款已付
account payable应付账
account payee受款人账户
account purchas credit buying赊购
account receivable应收账
account through the bank通过银行结算
account transfer check转账支票
accrued account应记账
accrued debit account应收款账户
adjust an account清理账目
adjust an account调整账目
adjust an account整理账目
adjusting account调整账户
adjustment of account账目调整
adjustment of account修改账单
aid account经济援助账户
analysis of account账目分析
appropriation transfer account拨款转账
auditing of account账目审核
auditing of account查账
bank account银行存款
bank account银行存款账户
bank account transference银行转账
bank checking account银行支票账户
bill receivable account应收票据账目
bills payable account应付票据账目
blocked money account封存账户
blocked money account冻结账户
capital account公积账户
cash account method现金记账法
cash management account现金管理账户
charge in account记账
charges on account记账
check account支票账户
check account对账
check to account过户支票
check to account转账支票
checking account查核账目
checking account支票存款户
checking account at a bank银行存款支票户
checking account money支票存款货币
clearance account结算账户
close an account停止赊购
close an account停止交易
close an account结清账户
close an account结账
closing of account结账
combination of account合并账户
commercial account商业账
commercial account商务账
common account共同利益
contractor's account承包商账户
cook account篡改账目
cook account虚报账目
cost account number成本账户
credit account赊购账
credit account信贷账户
credit account贷方账
credit purchases account赊购账户
credit union share draft account信贷公会股份支款账户
creditor account债权人账户
creditor's account债权人账户
current account现金账
custodian account保管人账
customer's account discounted应收客账贴现
customer's account discounted客户贴现
deferred account延期付款
deferred payment account分期付款账
deficiency account清算损失账
deficiency account亏损账户
delinquent account逾期账
deposit account保证金账户
deposit account提存账户
deposit account存款账户
duty on buyer's account关税由买方负担
entry account入账
entry account记账
entry account登账
European currency account欧洲货币账户
exchange equalization account汇兑平准账户
expenditure account支出账
expenditure account经费账
expenditure account number经费账号
export account出口往来账户
first account首次账户
flow-of-funds account资金流动账户
for account of入账
foreign trade account外贸账户
goods account商品账
goods account货款
goods account货账
import account进口科目
import account进口账户
inactive account静止账户
inactive account不活动账户
income account损益账户
incorporated account英国会计师协会会员
individual retirement account个人退休金核算账户
inter-bank account银行间往来账户
inter-bank account银行同业账户
inter-bank account联行账户
international transfer of account国际转账
joint account共有账户
keep separate account独立核算
labor cost account人工成本账户
labor cost account劳务费用
land account土地账户
L/C account信用证账户
leave out of account不顾
leave out of account不计
leave out of account不注意
letter of credit account信用证账户
letter of credit account信用证金额
live account暂时账户
loro account地方账户
loro account他账
loro account来账
loro account第三者交易账户
machine account台账
make account square结清账目
make out an account开立账户
make out an account开户
managed account经营账户
managed account管理账户
measurement account衡量账户
merchandise account商品账户
merchandise account商品项目
method of current account往来账户法
monetary account货币账户
monetary account货币账目
money market deposit account美国货币市场存款账户
money on account计算货币
money on account账面金额
monthly account月结账户
monthly account按月结账
monthly statement of account月份账表
monthly statement of account月度对账单
multiple control account多重控制账户
mutual currency account共同通货账户
my account本公司账户
my account我方账户
negotiable orders of withdrawal account可转让支付凭证账户,可转让提款单账户
net loss account净损科目
net loss account净损失账户
new account新开账户
no account无账单
no account无往来账
no account无账户
non-cash account非现金账
non-cash account method非现金账目法
non-commercial account非贸易账户
non-commercial account非营业账户
non-commercial account非商业账户
non-independent account非独立账户
nostro account我方账户
nostro account银行往来账户
nostro account国外联行往来账户
official account正式报告
official account正式账户
official account正式决算
on open account记账交易
on open account赊账交易
open a savings account开立储蓄账户
open account trade记账贸易
open book account赊欠账户
open book account往来中账户
open book account记账
open charge account未结算账目
open charge account未清账目
opening a bank account开立银行账户
opening an account开立账户
opening an account开户
operate an account运用账户
outlay account拨款账户
outlay account支出账户
overdue account逾期账目
overdue account催领账项
overdue account催账款项
overdue account过期未付账款
overdue account过期账款
partner's account合伙人往来
partner's account合伙人账户
pay on account预付
pay on account付定金
payee's account收款人账户
payment on open account赊账付款
payment on open account记账付款
payroll account工资账户
personal account个人账户
personal account客户账
plus side of the account贷方账户
post account过账
prepaid expense account预付费用账
primary expense account主要开支账户
private account个人账户
private account私人账户
pro forma account形式账户
pro forma account sales预计售货清单
pro forma account sales形式售货清单
product account产品账目
profit account利润科目
profit account利润账户
profit and loss on realization account财产变现损益账户,财产变现变产损益科目
profit and loss summary account损益汇总表,盈亏汇总账
proper account普通账户
proprietary account资本账户
proprietary account业主账户
proprietor account业主账户
proprietorship account资本账户
proprietorship account所有人账户
provision account备抵账户
public account law公共会计法
purchase account进货账户
purchase account采购账户
raw material account原材料费用账
raw material account原料账
real account真实账户
real controlling account真实统驭账户
receipt and payment account收支账户
receipted account已收账目
receipted account已收账
received on account赊账
receiver's cash account接管人现金账
receiver's cash account清算人现金账
receiving account收货账户
receiving account收入账户
reckon account算账
reckon account结账
reconcile account查账
reconcile account对账
reconcilement of account账目核对
reconcilement of account账目调整
reconciliation account调整科目
reconciliation account调节账目
reconciliation of bank account银行账目核对
reconciliation of reciprocal account往来账户调节
reconciliation of statement of account银行账目核对
recourse account索赔账户
recourse account追索账户
reinsurance of joint account共同账户分保
remit account划账
render account结账
render account开出账目
render an account决算报告
render an account报销
render an account报账
rent account租金账户
rent account租金账
reserve account准备金账户
reserve account公积账户
resident account居民账户
residential account居民账户
result account成果账户
retention account保留账户
revaluation account重估价账户
revenue account收入账户
revenue account营业收入账户
revenue account岁入账户
revolving account concept循环账户概念
revolving credit account周转信贷账户
ruling an account记账划线
running account往来账户
running account流水账
running account credit流水账放款
salary and wage account工薪账
sale account售货账
sale account销售账户
sale for account期货交易
sale on account赊售
sale on account赊卖
sale on open account赊售
sale on open account赊卖
salvage account残料账户
saving account存款账户
saving account储蓄账户
saving account deposit slip储蓄账户存款单
saving account withdrawal slip储蓄账户支款单
second account第二账户
sector account部门账户
secured account担保账户
sell on account赊卖
sell on account赊售
sell on account赊销
semiannual account半年度账单
send in account报账
send in account报销
separate account独立账户
separate account分立账户
service account服务账
service account劳务账
settled account已结账款
settled account已结账目
settlement of account清账
settlement on account账目清算
settlement on account结算账款
share account股金账户
share draft account股金提款账户
short account卖空账户
short in account账未付清
short landed account短缺账户
short landed account短卸单
short landed account货差账户
short landing account短卸账单
single account单边账户
single account个人账户
sleeping account呆账
sleeping account隐名账户
sleeping account呆滞账户
sleeping account停滞账目
society of account社团账户
special account专用账户
special current account特别往来账户
special food aid account粮食援助特设账户
special payroll bank account银行工资专户
specific account专户
specific account deposit专户存款
specific order cost account分批成本账户
split ledger account专栏分类账
split ledger account分割分类账
square account结账
staff savings account职员储蓄账户
stock account股份账目
stock account库存账
stock account证券账
straighten out the account清算账目
subsidiary account明细账户
subsidiary account辅助账户
subsidiary cost account成本明细账
subsidy account利息补贴账户
successor account备付账户
sundry account杂项账户
sundry current account杂项往来
sundry current account其他往来
supplementary account辅助账户
surplus account盈余账户
surplus appropriation account盈余分配账户
swing account互许差额账户
tax account税务账户
tax account税务账目
tax sheltered account避税账户
tax sheltered account利息免税账户
temporary account临时性账户
tender account寄发账单
term-end account期末账额
third party account第三者账户
tools and furniture account工具及器具账
total account总账户
tour account旅游账户
trade account贸易账户
trade account贸易账目
trade account payable贸易应付账款
trade account payable商业应付账款
trade profit and loss account贸易营业损益账户
trading account购销表
trading account交易账
trading account收支分发账
trading account营业账户
trading on margin account部分付款交易
trading profit and loss account营业损益账户,贸易损益账户
transaction account交易账户
transfer account交割账
transfer account过户账
transfer appropriation account转账拨款账户
transfer of account过户
transfer of account转账
transit account未达账
transition account过渡账户
transition account跨期分摊账户
transport on account of third party为第三者的运输,专业运输
trip account航次结账单
trust account托管财产
trustee's account受托人账户
two-way account两用账户
two-way account两面账户
unbalanced account未结算账户
uncollectible account坏账
uncollectible account呆账
underwriting account保险账务
universal unit of account世界记账单位
unmatched account未轧平账户
unpaid account未付账目
unsecured account无担保债权
unsecured account无担保账户
unsettled account未结账户
unstated account未结算账户
unstated account未结账目
valid account实在账目
validation of account账目验证
validity of account receivable应收账款合法性
valuation account估值账户
valuation account评价账
value in account账面价值
variance account差异科目
variance account差异账户
vendor's account卖主账户
venture account短期经营账
venture account投机账户
voucher account凭单账户
voucher payable account应付凭单账户
voucher's account应付凭单账户
voucher's account凭单账户
voyage account航程账户
waste account废料账
whole account全部账务
wind-up an account清理账目
wind-up an account结账
work in process account在制品账户
write-off allowance account销坏账
yield and account报账
zero balance account零余额账户
zero-balance account无余额账户
zero-balance account零余额账户