
Terms for subject Telecommunications containing scale | all forms | exact matches only
automatic zero and hill-scale calibration correction自动零点满刻度校核
binary scale二进位制
display scale显示器标度
extra large scale integrated超大规模集成电路
full scale deflection满度偏转
grey scale灰度梯尺
grey scale色调梯尺
grey scale灰度等级
impairment scale损伤估量
large scale compound integration大规模组合集成电路
large-scale computer大型计算机
large scale computer大型计算机
large scale integrated circuit大规模集成电路
large scale integration大规模集成
large scale software package大规模软件包
log scale对数刻度
logarithmic scale对数坐标纸
logarithmic scale对数刻度尺
median-scale computer中型计算机
metric scale米尺
scale factor换算因子
scale of rate费率等级
small scale database小型数据库
small scale integration小规模集成电路
stop scale光阑刻度
time scale时间刻度
ultra large scale integration超大规模集成电路
very large scale integration circuit超大规模集成电路
wafer scale IC圆斤规模 IC
wafer scale integration圆片规模集成
wafer scale silicon system圆片规横硅片系统