
Terms for subject Thermal Energy containing water | all forms | exact matches only
Circulating Boiler WaterЦиркуляционная Котельная Вода (Mukhiddin)
deironed waterобезжелезненная вода (жесткая вода, очищенная от ионов железа MichaelBurov)
district waterсетевая вода (ASHRAE District Heating Guide, 2013: "Steam for district heating is extracted from the steam turbine and supplied to heat exchanger to heat the DISTRICT WATER. (...) This type of turbine also has two extractions for heating DISTRICT WATER in series. (...) The hot refrigerant gas is cooled in the condenser, giving up its heat to the circulating DISTRICT WATER, and leaves the condenser ..." + ср. district steam в центральном паровом отоплении. masizonenko)
district water heaterсетевой подогреватель (British Electricity International. Modern Power Station Practice. Turbines, Generators and Associated Plant, 1992: "The extraction steam is passed to two district water heaters, so that an equal temperature rise is obtained across each of them." masizonenko)
incoming water flowвходящий поток воды (Mukhiddin)
Subcooled Feed waterПереохлаждённая питательная вода (Mukhiddin)
water treatment systemсистема подготовки воды (подсистема, которая обеспечивает подготовку и очистку регенерированной или добавленной воды для использования в переносной энергоустановке на топливных элементах Natalya Rovina)