
Terms for subject Name of organization containing American | all forms | exact matches only
Action Committee on Latin American Cooperation and Consultation on Plant Genetic Resources拉丁美洲植物遗传资源合作和磋商行动委员会
Additional Protocol to the American Convention on Human Rights in the Area of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights美洲人权公约关于经济、社会和文化权利领域的附加议定书
Advisory Group for Central American Economic Integration中美洲经济一体化咨询小组
American Association for the Advancement of Science美国科学促进协会
American Bankers Association美国银行家协会
American Book Publisher Council Inc.美国书籍出版商协会
American Bureau of Metal Statistics美洲金属统计所
American Business Press, Inc.美国商业出版社协会
American Convention on Human Rights美洲人权公约
American Economic Association美国经济协会
American Economic Foundation美国经济基金会
American Farm Bureau Federation美国农业会联合会
American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organization美国劳工联合会-产业工会联合会劳联-产联
American Finance Association美国金融协会
American Fisheries Society美洲渔业学会
American Gas Association美国天然气协会
American Iron & Steel Institute美洲钢铁学会
American Management Association美国企业管理协会
American Mathematical Society美国数学学会
American Paper Institute Society美国造纸学会
American Petroleum Institute美国石油学会
American President Lines Limited美国总统班轮有限公司
American Psychological Association美国心理学协会
American Society for Quality control美国质量控制学会
American Standard Code for Information Interchange《美国信息交换标准法》
American Statistical Association美国统计协会
American Stock Exchange美国证券交易所美国
American Stock Exchange Composite Index美国证券交易所综合指数
American Trucking Association, Inc.美国卡车运输协会
Central American Agricultural Council中美洲农业理事会
Central American Bank of Economic Integration中美洲经济一体化银行
Central American Commission for Market Coordination and Price Stabilization中美洲市场调节和价格稳定委员会
Central American Council of Agriculture中美洲农业理事会
Central American Council of Forests and Protected Areas中美洲森林和保护区理事会
Central American Economic and Social Community中美洲经济和社会共同体
Central American Fund for Economic Integration中美洲经济一体化基金
Central American Fund for Economic Integration中美洲经济一体化基金会
Central American Fund for Social Development中美洲社会发展基金
Central American Fund for Social Development中美洲社会发展基金会
Central American Institute of Public Administration中美洲公共管理研究所
Central American Monetary Council中美洲货币理事会
Central American Network of Plant Genetic Resources中美洲植物遗传资源网络
Central American Network of Plant Genetic Resources中美洲植物遗传资源网
Central American Organization of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector中美洲渔业和水产养殖组织
Central American Research Institute for Industry中美洲工业研究所
Centre for Latin American Monetary Studies拉丁美洲货币研究中心
Confederation of American Associations for the Production of Sustainable Agriculture美洲可持续农业生产协会联合会
Department of Economic Research of the American Medical Association美国医学协会经济研究部
Economics and Finance Department of the Association of American Railroads美国铁路公司协会经济和财政研究部
Evangelical Latin American Commission on Christian Education拉丁美洲基督教教育福音宣讲委员会
Federation of Central American Development Foundations中美洲发展基金组织联合会
Group of Latin American and Caribbean Sugar Exporting Countries拉丁美洲及加勒比海区域食糖出口国集团
Ibero-American General Secretariat伊比利亚-美洲总秘书处
Inter-american Association of Agricultural Librarians, Documentalists and Information Specialists美洲间农业图书馆馆员及资料员协会
Inter-American Bar Association美洲间酒巴协会
Inter-American Centre for Regional Development美洲区域发展中心
Inter-American Centre of Agricultural Documentation and Information美洲农业文献和资料中心
Inter-American Children's Institute美洲儿童研究所
Inter-American Citrus Network泛美柑桔网络
Inter-American Commission of Women美洲妇女委员会
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights美洲间人权委员会
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights美洲间人权事务委员会
Inter-American Committee for Agricultural Development美洲农业发展委员会
Inter-American Committee on Education美洲教育委员会
Inter-American Cooperative Finance Development Society美洲金融开发合作协会
Inter-American Council for Education, Science and Culture美洲教育、科学及文化理事会
Inter-American Council of Commerce and Production美洲间商业与生产理事会
Inter-American Council of Commerce and Production美洲商业与生产理事会
Inter-American Court of Human Rights美洲人权法院
Inter-American Economic and Social Council美洲经济及社会理事会
Inter-American Information System for the Agricultural Sciences美洲农业科学信息系统
Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture美洲农业合作研究所
Inter-American Regional Organization of Workers美洲区域工人组织
Inter-American Research and Documentation Centre on Vocational Training美洲间职业培训研究和文献中心
Inter-American Statistical Institute美洲统计研究所
Inter-American Statistical Training Centre美洲统计培训中心
Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission美洲金枪鱼委
Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission美洲热带金枪鱼委员会
Italian-Latin-American Institute意大利-拉丁美洲研究所
Latin American Agricultural Credit Association拉丁美洲农业信贷协会
Latin American and Caribbean Forestry Commission拉丁美洲及加勒比林业委员会
Latin American and Caribbean Group拉丁美洲及加勒比小组
Latin American and Caribbean Network of Model Forests拉丁美洲及加勒比示范林网络
Latin American and Caribbean Network of Model Forests拉丁美洲和加勒比示范林网络
Latin American Association for Animal Production拉丁美洲畜牧生产协会
Latin American Association of Development Financing Institutions拉丁美洲促进发展筹资机构协会
Latin American Association of Development Organizations拉丁美洲促进组织协会
Latin American Association of Food Processors拉丁美洲粮食加工者协会
Latin American Association of Free Commerce拉丁美洲自由商业协会
Latin American Association of Promotion Organizations拉丁美洲促进组织协会
Latin American Banking Federation拉丁美洲银行联合会
Latin American Center for Sustainable Development拉丁美洲农业生态和发展财团
Latin American Central of Workers拉丁美洲劳动者中心
Latin American Centre for Biological Sciences拉丁美洲生物科学中心
Latin American Centre for Development Administration拉丁美洲发展管理中心
Latin American Centre for Economic and Social Documentation拉丁美洲经济和社会文献中心
Latin American Committee on National Parks拉丁美洲国家公园委员会
Latin American Common Market拉丁美洲共同市场
Latin American Demographic Centre拉丁美洲人口统计中心
Latin American Energy Organization拉丁美洲能源机构
Latin American Energy Organization拉丁美洲能源组织
Latin American Forest Research and Training Institute拉丁美洲森林研究和培训研究所
Latin-American Institute for Economic and Social Planning拉美经济及社会规划研究所
Latin American Institute of Transnational Studies拉丁美洲跨国公司研究所
Latin American Integration Association拉丁美洲一体化协会
Latin American Multinational Fertilizer Marketing Enterprise拉丁美洲多国肥料销售企业
Latin American Network of Food Data Systems拉丁美洲食品数据系统网络
Latin American Network of Women Working in Fisheries拉丁美洲渔业部门妇女网络
Latin American Organization for Fisheries Development拉丁美洲渔业发展组织
Latin American Regional Aquaculture Centre拉丁美洲区域水产养殖中心
Latin American Remote Sensing Association拉丁美洲遥感协会
Latin American Social Sciences Council拉丁美洲社会科学理事会
Mutual Assistance of The Latin American Government Oil Companies拉丁美洲国家石油互助协会
North American Food Composition Regional Data Center北美食品构成区域数据中心
North American Forest Commission北美林业委员会
North American Plant Protection Organization北美植物保护组织
Pan-American Coffee Bureau泛美咖啡局
Pan-American Foot-and-Mouth Disease Center泛美口蹄疫防治中心
Pan-American Health Organization泛美卫生组织
Pan-American Institute for Food Protection and Zoonoses泛美食品保护及寄生虫病研究所
Pan-American Institute of Geography and History泛美地理及历史研究所
Pan American Standards Commission泛美标准委员会
Pan American Union泛美联盟
Pan American Union泛美联合会
Permanent Executive Commission of the Inter-American Economic and Social Council美洲间经济和社会理事会常设执行委员会
Permanent Executive Committee of the Inter-American Council for Education, Science and Culture美洲间教育、科学和文化理事会常设执行委员会
Permanent Secretariat of the General Treaty on Central American Economic Integration中美洲经济一体化总条约常设秘书处
South American Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease南美口蹄疫防治委员会