
Terms for subject Mobile and cellular communications containing нет | all forms | exact matches only
нет связиthere's no service (If you try to call someone but nothing happens, you can say: There's no service. VLZ_58)
нет связиthere's no signal (в знач. "нет сети": He prodded at his cell phone and held it to his ear. "No goddamned signal. Anybody else got a signal?" 4uzhoj)
нет сетиthere's no reception (There is no reception in the canyons. 4uzhoj)
нет сетиthere's no circuit (в знач. "нет сети": Tippa then tried to call Sonny on her mobile but there was no circuit up there in the mountains. 4uzhoj)
нет сетиthere's no service
нет сетиthere's no signal (He prodded at his cell phone and held it to his ear. "No goddamned signal. Anybody else got a signal?" 4uzhoj)
нет сетиno bars (т. е. на индикаторе уровня сигнала в мобильном телефоне не отображается ни одна "палочка" grafleonov)