
Terms for subject Animal husbandry containing heat | all forms | exact matches only
abnormal heat异常发酵
animal heat动物热量
animal heat动物发情雌性
animal heat体温
basal heat底温
base heat底温
calorie heat unit路里热单位
centigrade heat unit路里热单位
come on heat发情
delayed heat延迟发情
development of heat产热
direct-heat oven直接加热炉
false heat假发情指只有发情表现而不排卵的现象
false heat假发情
flash heat peeling迅速去皮法
flash heat peeling碱水去皮
foal heat母马产后发情指母马产驹后第一次发情,一般出现于产后5〜15d
geothermal heat地热
Great heat大暑节气名
heat accumulation贮热热贮存
heat air dryer热风干草机
heat calculation热平衡计算
heat capacity产热能力
heat conductance导热率
heat conservation保温
heat constants热常数
heat constants热恒量
heat control防暑降温
heat cramps日射病
heat cramps中暑
heat decompose热分解
heat detection发情检查
heat detector发情检测器
heat expectancy chart发情预期图
heat expectancy chart发情期望图
heat-expectation list发情期望表
heat fast热稳定的
heat hardiness抗热性
heat hardiness耐热性
heat hardiness热力
heat increment增生热当动物在热适中温度区范围内采食饲料后所增加的产热量,包括由养分代谢所增热能
heat increment of feeding饲养热增耗
heat interval发情间隔
heat lesion热害
heat of fermentation发酵热能
heat of fermentation发酵热能食物在消化道中因微生物发酵所产生的热能
heat of metabolism代谢分解热
heat of nutrient metabolism养分代谢热能
heat output热量散发
heat preservation加热杀菌保藏
heat processed corn热处理玉米
heat processed soybeans热加工大豆是未浸出脂肪的全大豆制品,可制成粉状、粒状或片状
heat processing热杀菌
heat processing section热处理工段
heat production产热动物在热能平衡状态时采食饲料,热增耗(发酵产热能+养分代谢产热能)与维持所用热能(基础代谢 + 随意活动热能)之和
heat production/heat loss产热与散热
heat regulation体温调节
heat regulatory center体温调节中枢
heat-removing agent冷却剂
heat resistance抗热性
heat resistance耐热性
heat resistant variety热品种
heat sterilization加热杀菌
heat sterilizer加热杀菌器
heat storage贮热容器
heat stress热威胁
heat stress热逆境
heat stress index热应激指数
heat to keep body cool使体躯降温所需热能消耗
heat to keep body cool使身体降温所需热能动物在高于热适中区环境中为调节体温所增加的热能消耗
heat to keep body warm保持体温所需增加的热能消耗
heat to keep body warm保持身体温暖所需增加的热能消耗动物在低于临界温度环境中为使身体保持体温所增加的热能消耗
heat tolerance耐热性 Hypoderma lineatum
heat-treated milk杀菌牛乳
heat-treated milk巴氏消毒牛乳
heat treatment热喷膨化处理
heat treatment热加工
high-heat nonfat dry milk受过高热辊筒干燥的脱脂乳粉
hormonal heat induction激素诱导发情
latent heat生理潜热
low-heat dry milk低温干燥奶粉
low-heat milk powder低温干燥奶粉
medium-heat milk powder中温奶粉
medium-heat milk powder中热处理奶粉
moist-heat sterilization蒸汽消毒
moist-heat sterilization湿热灭菌
on heat发情
radiant heat brooding暖地育雏
radiant heat brooding暖地育雏
return to heat重发情
return to heat再发情
short heat短发情
silent heat安静排卵母畜发情时虽排卵而无发情表现
silent heat安静发情
standing heat静立发情
standing heat站立发情
standing heat period发情旺期
sublethal heat treatment亚致死的热处理
sublethal heat treatment不致死的热处理
waste-heat drying利用废热干燥
weak heat发情不明显
weak heat微弱发情