
Terms for subject Animal husbandry containing European | all forms | exact matches only
European Agricultural Aviation Center欧洲农业航空中心
European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund欧洲农业指导与保证基金会
European Association for Aquatic Mammals欧洲水生哺乳动物协会
European Association of Animal Production欧洲畜牧学会
European Association of Editors of Biological Periodicals欧洲生物学期刊编辑协会
European beachgrass欧洲海滨草 (Ammophila arenaria)
European honey bee欧洲蜜蜂 (Apis mellifera)
European bison欧洲野牛 (Bison bonasus)
European Black and White欧洲黑白花牛比利时、英国、丹麦、法国、德国、意大利、瑞典等国黑白花牛品种协会于1966 年联合组成欧洲黑白花牛品种协会
European Blond and Yellow欧洲黄牛 (1962年奥地利黄牛、法国金黄阿奎登牛 (Aguitaine Blond)、利木赞牛 (Limousin)、德国黄牛、意大利皮德蒙牛 (Picdmont)联合组成欧洲黄牛品种协会)
European blue lupine毛羽扇豆 (Lupinus hirsutus)
European chestnut Castanea sativa European Commission for the Control of FMD欧洲口蹄疫防制委员会
European Commission for the Control of Foot and Mouth Disease欧洲口蹄疫防制委员会
European Commission on Forestry and Forest Products欧洲林业与林产品委员会
European Committee for Plant Protection Research欧洲植物保护研究委员会
European dune wildrye沙丘野麦 (Elymus arenarius)
European feathergrass欧洲虎尾属草 (Chloris pennata)
European Federation of Agricultural Workers欧洲农业工人联合会
European Federation of Cytology Societies欧洲细胞学会联合会
European feed unit欧洲饲料单位
European foulbrood欧洲蜜蜂幼虫腐烂病病原:Bacillus pluton
European fowl pest欧洲鸡瘟
European Grassland Federation欧洲草地联合会
European Hops Culture Committee欧洲蛇麻草培植委员会
European mink欧洲水貂 (Mustela lutreola)
European Molecular Biology Laboratory欧洲分子生物学实验室
European rabbit
European race欧洲种
European Red欧洲红牛
European Society for Animal Blood-Group Research欧洲动物血型研究会
European Society for Biochemical Pharmacology欧洲生物化学药理学会
European spindle-tree欧洲卫矛 (Euonymus europaea)
European swine fever欧洲猪瘟
European swine fever virus欧洲猪瘟病毒
European swine fever virus猪霍乱病毒
European swine fever virus欧洲猪瘟病毒猪霍乱病毒
European Tissue Culture Society欧洲组织培养学会
European verbena马鞭草 (Verbena officinalis)
General Committee for Agricultural Cooperation in the European Union欧盟农业合作综合委员会
Northern European feed unit北欧饲料单位
Northern European feed-unit北欧饲料单位
Northern European feed-unit大麦饲料单位
Northern European feed-unit斯堪的纳维亚饲料单位
Proceeding of the European Grassland Federation欧洲草地联合会论文集
Proceedings of the European Grassland Federation欧洲草地联合会论文集
Proceedings of the European Meeting of Meat Research Workers欧洲肉品研究工作者会议论文集