
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing mine | all forms | exact matches only
abandoned mine废弃的矿井 (矿洞、矿山等)
abandoned mine废矿
acid-mine drainage酸性矿山废水
acid-mine drainage矿山酸性排水
acid-mine drainage酸性矿山坑水
acid mine waste酸性矿渣
acid mine water酸性矿山水
Associated Manganese Mines of South Africa Ltd.南非锰矿山联合有限公司
Bureau of Mine Correlation Index矿务局相关指数
Bureau of Mines矿业局
Bureau of MinesUS矿业局
Bureau of Mines Information Circular矿务局信息通报
Bureau of Mines Open File Report矿业局公开文件报告
Bureau of Mines Technical Paper矿业局技术报告
camborne school of mines坎伯恩矿业学院
Canadian Mine Services加拿大采矿服务公司
carlin gold mine卡林金矿
central mine data system矿业资料中心系统
Central Mine Planning and Design Institute Ltd. India中央矿山规划与设计研究所印度
Chamber of Mines of Namibia纳米比亚矿业联合会
Chamber of Mines Research Organization矿山研究组织联合会
Coal Mines Australia Ltd澳大利亚煤矿有限公司
coal mines authority limited煤炭矿务局
Coal Mines Board煤矿局
Coal Mines Department煤矿部
Colorado School of Mines科罗拉多矿业学院
Colorado School of Mines Research Foundation科罗拉多矿业学院研究基金会
Colorado School of Mines Research Institute科罗拉多矿业学院研究所
Consolidated African Mines非洲联合矿业公司南非
consolidated diamond mines联合金刚石矿业公司
Consolidated Diamond Mines of South West Africa Co., Ltd.西南非洲统一金刚石矿业公司
Cyprus Mines Corp.塞浦路斯矿业公司
Department of Energy, Mines and Resources能源、矿业和资源部加拿大
Department of Energy, Mines and Resources Canada能源、矿产与资源部加拿大
Department of Mines and Technical Surveys矿业和技术测量部加拿大
Dutch States Mines荷兰国家矿业公司
East Rand Proprietary Mines东方兰德控股矿业公司
East Transvaal Consolidated Mines Ltd东德兰士瓦联合矿山公司南非
energy and mines ministry矿业能源部
energy, mines and resources能源、矿业和资源
engineer of mines采矿工程师
evanger gold mines埃旺厄尔金矿
Federal Coal Mine Safety Board of Review联邦煤矿安全检查委员会
federal ministry of mines and power联邦矿产与动力部尼日利亚
Federal Ministry of Mines and Power Nigeria联邦矿产与动力部尼日利亚
federation of associations of mine equipment manufacturers矿山设备制造商协会联合会
Gold Mines of Australia澳大利亚金矿
Gold Mines of Kalgoorlie Ltd卡尔古利金矿有限公司
Honduran Department of Mines and Hydrocarbons洪都拉斯矿业和石油部
Indian Bureau of Mines印度矿务局
International Conference on Automation of Mines and Collieries国际矿业与煤矿自动化会议
International Mine Water Association国际矿山水协会
International Mine Water Congress国际矿山水会议
International Society for Mine Surveying国际矿山测量学会
International Society of Mine Surveying国际矿山测量学会
International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers国际采矿、选矿及冶炼工人联合会
Iron Mines Company of Venezuela委内瑞拉铁矿公司
Jordan Phosphate Mines Co.约旦磷酸盐公司
Key Centre for Mines International国际矿山检索中心
Mine Advisory Committee矿业咨询委员会
Mine and Petroleum Department矿业石油部
Mine Company of Venezuela委内瑞拉矿山公司
Mine Defense Laboratory矿井防护实验室
mine detector image display study矿井检波器图像显示研究
mine disposal矿井配置
mine disposal unit采掘处理设备
mine early spontaneous combustion detector矿山早期使用的自燃探测器
mine environment neutral drainage矿山环境中性污水
mine foreman采矿工长
mine foreman矿山工务员
mine planning and equipment selection采矿计划及设备国际研讨会
mine production report矿业生产报告
mine radiographic outfit矿山爆炸物射线照相装备
mine recovery operation矿山开采操作
mine research unit矿业研究局
mine safety and health administration矿山安全和健康管理局
mine safety appliance矿山安全设备{矿}
Mine Surface Officials Association矿山地面公务员协会
mine survey矿山测量
mine sweeper, coastal浅海采矿用扫海船
mine sweeper, in shore海滨采矿用扫海船
mine sweeper, ocean海洋采矿用扫海船
mine tailing尾矿
Mine Ventilation Society of South Africa南非矿山通风学会
mine workers union矿业工人联合会南非
mine workers union矿工工会
Mine Workers' Union of Zambia赞比亚矿工联合会
Mines Accident Prevention Associations of Ontario安大略省矿山保安协会加拿大
Mines and Energy South Australia南澳大利亚州矿业和能源公司
Mines and Geosciences Bureau矿业和地球科学局
mines and quarries矿山与采石场
ministry of mines and energy矿业和能源部
ministry of mines and power矿业和电力部尼日
Missouri School of Mines密苏里州矿业学院
Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy密苏里州矿冶学院
Missouri School of Mines Reactor密苏里州矿业学院反应堆
Montana mine and mineral occurence database system蒙大拿州矿山和矿产地数据表
Montana School of Mines蒙大拿州矿业学院
National Mine Service Co.国营矿山服务公司纳森纳尔矿山服务公司
Nchanga Consolidated Copper Mines Ltd.恩昌加统一铜矿有限公司赞比亚
Nchanga Consolidated Mines恩昌加统一矿山公司赞比亚
New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources新墨西哥州矿山和矿产资源局
New Mexico School of Mines新墨西哥州矿业学院
Newfoundland Department of Mines and Energy纽芬兰矿业和能源部加拿大
Nigerian African Mine Workers, Union尼日利亚非洲矿工联合会
Petroleum and Mines Department石油与矿业部
Philippine Iron Mines菲律宾铁矿山
Philippine Mines and Geosciences Bureau-Department of Environment and Natural Resource菲律宾矿业和地球科学局-环境和自然资源部
Rajasthan State Mines and Mineral, Ltd拉贾斯坦邦矿业与矿产公司印度
Roan Consolidated Mines, Ltd.罗昂联合矿业公司
Royal College of Mines皇家矿业学院
Royal Commission on Safety in Coal Mine皇家煤矿安全委员会
Royal School of mines皇家矿业学院
run of mine原矿
run of mine原煤
Rustenburg Platinum Mines, Ltd.拉斯顿堡铂矿有限公司南非
safety in mine research and testing branch矿山安全研究试验所
Safety in Mines Research Advisory Board矿山安全研究咨询委员会
Safety in Mines Research Board矿山安全研究委员会
safety in mines scattered light instrument矿山安全分散照明仪器
safety in mines testing and research station矿山试验和研究站防护器材
safety of mines research establishment矿山安全研究院
school of mines and energy development矿业和能源开发研究所
shallow water mine浅水采掘
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology南达科他州矿业工程学院
standard coal mine maps base标准煤矿图库
Tanzania Diamond Mines坦桑尼亚金刚石矿山
Thiessen-Bureau of Mines System泰森-矿务局分类
United Mine Workers of America美国矿工联合会
United States Bureau of Mines美国矿业局
West Witwatersrand Gold Mines.西威特沃特斯兰德金矿南非
Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines, Ltd.赞比亚铜矿联合有限公司