
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing 2nd | all forms
Abney's phenomenon 2.Abney's effectAbney's fænomen
accommodative convergence/accommodation ratio 2.A.C.A.ratioAC/A-ratio
to blanket free D2O surfaces with heliumat dække de frie tungtvandsoverflader med helium
2) centrifugal pumpcentrifugalpumpe
CO2 capture and storageCOsub2sub-opfangning og -deponering
CO2 capture and storageCOsub2sub-opsamling og -lagring
CO2 capture and storageCOsub2sub-separation og -lagring
CO2 partial pressureCO2-partialtryk
CO to CO2 ratioforbrændingstal
CO to CO2 ratioCO/CO2-forhold
core factor C2kernehystereseparameter
core factor C2kernefaktor C2
coupling between different phases of 2 circuits of a high-voltage linkkobling mellem forskellige faser i to forskellige strømkredse
coupling between different phases of 2 circuits of a high-voltage linkkobling mellem faserne i to forskellige strømkredse
coupling factor of 2 circuitsinduktive koblingsfaktor mellem to kredsløb
2D or 3D viscous software2D eller 3D viskos software
D2O distillation towerdestillationstårn for tungt vand
2) impeller pumpvingepumpe
inductive coupling factor of 2 circuitsinduktive koblingsfaktor mellem to kredsløb
linear 2-terminal circuit elementlineært topolet kredsløbselement
linear 2-terminal circuit elementlineær topolet kredsløbsdel
moment of inertia GD2 Nm2inertimoment GD2 Nm2
2) propeller pumpskruepumpe
2-terminal circuittopolet
2-terminal circuit2-klemme
2-terminal circuit elementtopolet kredsløbselement
2-terminal circuit elementtopolet kredsløbsdel
2-terminal resistance measurementtoterminals modstandsmåling
2-terminal resistance measurement2-terminals modstandsmåling
2-way switchkorrespondanceafbryder