
Terms for subject Contracts containing с | all forms | exact matches only
временное освобождение от выполнения обязательств по договору и отказ от предъявления претензий в связи с допущенным нарушениемwaiver (если речь идёт об отказе не от прав, а от обязательств 4uzhoj)
вследствие, в отношении или в связи сarising from, relating to or in connection with (arising from, relating to or in connection with this Agreement ART Vancouver)
договор напечатан на одном листе с двух сторонthe agreement is printed on one sheet on both sides ('More)
договор подряда с независимым исполнителемindependent contractor agreement (Oleksandr Spirin)
договор с независимым подрядчикомindependent contractor agreement (Oleksandr Spirin)
доклад с оценкой рисковdue diligence (stirlitz)
зарегистрированный и действующий в соответствии с законодательствомincorporated and existing under the laws of (TanyaKomova)
кредитная линия с аккордеонной функциейincremental facility (An accordion facility is the option, but not the obligation, for the borrower to extend the facilities or to add to the facilities without having to negotiate a new contract from the lenders. The name derives from the metaphor of an accordion as an instrument that can be stretched. – "Private Equity Demystified: An Explanatory Guide", by John Gilligan, Mike Wright google.ru Dinkie)
кредитная линия с аккордеонной функциейaccordion facility (An accordion facility is the option, but not the obligation, for the borrower to extend the facilities or to add to the facilities without having to negotiate a new contract from the lenders. The name derives from the metaphor of an accordion as an instrument that can be stretched. – "Private Equity Demystified: An Explanatory Guide", by John Gilligan, Mike Wright google.ru Dinkie)
не выступать с заверениями или гарантиямиmake no representations or warranties (The parties make no representations or warranties other than those expressly stated in this Agreement. – Стороны не выступают с заверениями или гарантиями иного рода, чем те, которые недвусмысленным образом выражены в данном Договоре. ART Vancouver)
ребёнок с дефектами речиlogopath (Nadezhda_1212)
ребёнок с речевыми нарушениямиlogopath (Nadezhda_1212)
с другой стороныSecond Party (... and BB, herein referred to as the "Second Party"... ART Vancouver)
с моментаimmediately after (The contract shall take effect immediately after being signed by both parties. ART Vancouver)
с момента подписанияafter being signed by (The contract shall take effect after being signed by both parties. ART Vancouver)
связанные с этимrelated thereto (the content on this website, and all design, text, graphics, content, video, and/or audio related thereto ART Vancouver)
связанный сin connection with (promotional materials of any kind or medium, in connection with the exploitation and promotion of Provider Content ART Vancouver)
Соглашаюсь с вышеуказанным условиемI agree with the above terms (Dasic)
Соглашаюсь с вышеуказанными условиямиI agree with the above terms (Dasic)
товар с нарушениемgoods that are contrary to (MichaelBurov)