
Terms for subject Contracts containing право | all forms | exact matches only
обязательственное и договорное правоlaw of obligations and contracts ('More)
пользоваться правамиexercise rights (... to grant the rights and licenses herein to ABC Inc. and for ABC Inc. to exercise such rights and licenses without being liable to any third party in any way ART Vancouver)
право на получение требования об оплатеright to presentment (Right to presentment is essentially the borrower's right to be formally issued a demand of payment. If this right is waived, the borrower is liable to payment of default penalties without being formally informed. 'More)
Стороны настоящим устанавливают, что право предъявления иска может быть реализовано исключительно в английских судахthe Parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts (lenivets:))