
Terms for subject Computers containing деятельность | all forms
вести предпринимательскую деятельностьmaintain business activity (Company registration is necessary for noncommercial organisations as well, though they can maintain business activity only for achievement of the aims for the sake of which they are created. RealMadrid)
вести предпринимательскую деятельностьtransact business (This collective punishment led to a serious crisis: the Palestinians have seen themselves virtually deprived of the right to travel in order to work, study, transact business, buy supplies, worship or seek medical treatment. RealMadrid)
вести предпринимательскую деятельностьengage in the entrepreneurial activities (Educational establishments have the right to engage in the entrepreneurial activities specified in their statutes RealMadrid)
кредитная деятельностьcredit operations (A variety of financial techniques and practices are used by NGOs in their credit operations. RealMadrid)
кредитная деятельностьlending activities (His first recommendation highlighted the importance of relaxing general restrictions on lending activities and raising interest rate ceilings on microcredit loans. RealMadrid)
кредитная деятельностьlending (Even international bank lending is beginning to recover from the debt crisis of the 1980s. RealMadrid)
настольная издательская деятельностьDTP
осуществлять деятельностьperform activities (If the union is not registered in accordance with these legal provisions, it may not perform activities provided by the labor law. RealMadrid)
планирование деятельностиactivity planning
управление эффективностью деятельности компанииcorporate performance management (CPM Georgy Moiseenko)
управление эффективностью деятельности компанииCPM (corporate performance management Georgy Moiseenko)
фоновая деятельностьbackground activity
функции, обусловленные потребностями практической деятельностиperformance-based functionality (pbf Georgy Moiseenko)
функции, обусловленные потребностями практической деятельностиpbf (performance-based functionality Georgy Moiseenko)
эксперт автоматизации учрежденческой деятельностиoffice automater