
Terms for subject General containing филиалы | all forms | exact matches only
авансы работникам и филиалам компанииadvances to employees and subsidiaries
включать в систему в качестве филиалаaffiliate
директор сбыта филиала / отделенияBranch Sales Manager (предприятия)
директор филиалаdivision director (Johnny Bravo)
директор филиалаbranch manager (a person who manages the local branch of a bank, shop, or other business Usage examples Archbishop John Bathersby, the self-described local Brisbane branch manager , admits he `reacted against "the papal directive. MISC (1999) He says: `I became a branch manager at 22 – the youngest in the company's history. SUN, NEWS OF THE WORLD (1999) I went inside and talked to Mr Tucker, the branch manager , with whom Wolfe and I had been dealing for years. Goldsborough, Robert MURDER IN E MINOR In some ways the bank's most critical problem was actually to keep the branch manager away from the customer! Piercy, Nigel MARKET-LED STRATEGIC CHANGE Mr McLean, who was branch manager of a local supermarket, was attacked in the grounds of his home in Lae, about 200km north of Port Moresby. COURIER, SUNDAY MAIL (2002) Some banks vary the limit, depending on the discretion of the branch manager. BUSINESS TODAY (1997) Today Unison branch manager Carl Van Rooy said: "We need a workplace assessment to find out how many more staff are needed. LIVERPOOL DAILY POST AND ECHO (2004). Collins Alexander Demidov)
закрыть филиалclose a branch
зарубежный филиалoverseas branch
иностранное государство, на территории которого создаются филиалы и открываются представительстваhost country (a country where an organization that is based in another country operates: Smaller firms may need to find a partner to work with in the host country. • Many of the senior posts go to host-country nationals. > HOME COUNTRY. OBED Alexander Demidov)
иностранный филиалforeign subsidiary
Киевский центральный филиалKyiv central branch (babichjob)
контора филиалаsubbranch (фирмы)
крупный филиалlarge branch
магазин с филиаламиmultiple (Bullfinch)
магазин с филиаламиmultiple shop
макрорегиональный филиалhub branch (At that time our Swindon branch was the hub branch and they supplied all our vehicles, coffins and staff. Alexander Demidov)
малый филиалsmall branch
налог на чистый доход филиалаbranch profit tax on net income
наш парижский филиал сообщает о заметном улучшении дел в торговлеour Paris branch reports a marked improvement in business
наш филиал в Лондонеour London office
не являющийся филиаломunaffiliated
небольшой филиалsubbranch (библиотеки)
образование местного филиалаfiliation
образование филиалаaffiliation
образование филиалаfiliation
общественная организация "BUND" Немецкое Общество защиты окружающей среды и природы, немецкий филиал международной организации "Друзья Земли"BUND (gulnara11)
организация с филиаламиstable (george serebryakov)
основной филиалmain branch
открытие филиалаopening of a branch office (WiseSnake)
открыть филиалopen a branch
открыть филиалыopen branches
пакет материальных бонусов, предоставляемых сотруднику при возвращении после работы в зарубежном филиалеrepatriation package (Anna_Colorblind)
положение о филиалеbranch charter (Alexander Demidov)
положение о филиалеbranch regulations (gennier)
принимать в качестве филиалаaffiliate
присоединить как филиалaffiliate
присоединять в качестве филиалаaffiliate (with, to)
присоединять как филиалaffiliate
присоединяться в качестве филиалаaffiliate (with, to)
размещение филиалов торговой фирмыbranching
региональные филиалыregional branches (ROGER YOUNG)
реестры филиаловbranch registers (Асель2216)
Руководитель филиалаHead of ... branch (rechnik)
Руководитель филиала, Санкт-ПетербургHead of Saint Petersburg Branch (rechnik)
сделки между филиалами одной фирмы, материнской и дочерней компаниямиentering into non arm's length transactions (Yeldar Azanbayev)
сервисный филиалfront office branch (Alexander Demidov)
сестринский филиалsister branch
сестринский филиалnursing
сетринский филиалsister branch
создавать филиалfiliate
территориальный филиалterritorial branch (LenaSH)
учредить филиалset up a brench
учредить филиалestablish a branch
филиал был закрытthe branch was closed down
филиал Госбанкаbranch of the state bank
филиал делового предприятияsatellite business (driven)
филиал дочерней компанииsub-subsidiary
филиал институтаbranch of an institute
филиал компанииbranch of (ABelonogov)
филиал компанииaffiliate branch (Job Description)
филиал организацииchapter
филиал предприятияbranch office (the local branch of a bank, shop, or other business The abbreviation for branch office is b.o. Example Sentences Including 'branch office' At first glance, Airlie Beach does seem little more than a branch office of Surfers Paradise. MISC (1999) For Hurst, moving to a branch office has also had an effect. THE AUSTRALIAN (2004) He banked in a branch office of the Toronto-Dominion Bank in his part of town. Gagman, Maurice DOUBTFUL MOTIVES In practice this will usually be your local branch office manager or someone in authority at head Tondeur, Keith SAY GOODBYE TO DEBT Now this was only a branch office , but it exemplifies the phobia that many Japanese institutions have for technological change. NEW SCIENTIST (1999) Paul O'Dell, the systems manager, calls it the "mobile branch office ". TIMES, SUNDAY TIMES (2002) THE Wicked Witch has turned 10 Downing Street into a branch office of Nonces'R'Us. SUN, NEWS OF THE WORLD (2002) `So you're setting up a branch office in New York while the passion lasts. Pacter, Trudi YELLOW BIRD. Collins Alexander Demidov)
филиал совместного предприятияbranch of a JV
филиалы и представительстваbranches and representations (ABelonogov)
филиалы сети магазинов управляемых одной фирмой, расположенные в пригородахsuburban branches
фирма-филиалaffiliated company
эта компания имеет филиалы во многих городах страныthe company has branches from coast to coast
этв корпорация имеет филиалы в нескольких странахthis corporation operates in several countries