
Terms for subject General containing простоять | all forms | exact matches only
время, которое цветы простоят в вазеvase life (Эти цветы простоят 5 дней. – The vase life of this flower is 5 days. МДА)
вы думаете, хорошая погода простоит долго?do you think this fine weather has come to stay?
дом простоит ещё сто летthe house will stand another century
если простоит хорошая погодаif the fine weather the frost, etc. lasts out (и т.д.)
если простоит хорошая погодаif the good weather this wet weather, the frost, etc. lasts (и т.д.)
замок и т.д. простоял векаthe castle the old house, etc. has stood for centuries
идейно простойstraightforward (1 Uncomplicated and easy to do or understand: in a straightforward case no fees will be charged. More example sentences: They would have felt easier with a straightforward repayment loan, where each month the debt reduced. Life was easy, straightforward, and if he wanted something done, he just did it. Knowing when to stop is not an easy or straightforward matter in ethnography. 1.1 (Of a person) honest and frank: a straightforward young man. ODE Alexander Demidov)
мы простояли одну ночь в City Hotelwe lodged a night at the City Hotel
мясо и т.д. до завтрашнего дня не простоитthe meat this milk, the food, etc. will keep good till tomorrow
нам пришлось простоять всю дорогуwe had to stand all the way
он заставил нас простоять два часаhe kept us standing two hours
простой в общенииapproachable (Ремедиос_П)
эта мебель простоит вечностьthis furniture will last a lifetime
я очень устал, простояв три часаit tired me not a little to stand for three hours
я простоял на ногах весь деньI've been standing all day