
Terms for subject General containing оконечный | all forms | exact matches only
оконечная и промежуточная аппаратура проводной связиterminal and intermediate line communication apparatus (ABelonogov)
оконечная частьtail piece
оконечное оборудованиеdata terminal equipment (DTE Alexander Demidov)
оконечное оборудованиеdata terminal equipment (АД, DTE)
оконечное устройствоend-user device (An end user device is a personal computer (desktop or laptop), consumer device (e.g., personal digital assistant (PDA), smart phone), or removable storage media (e.g., USB flash drive, memory card, external hard drive, writeable CD or DVD) that can store information. wikia.com Alexander Demidov)
оконечное устройство управленияend-user control (Alexander Demidov)
оконечные расходыterminal dues (оплата, которую администрация назначения имеет право взимать с администрации подачи в качестве компенсации за расходы, понесенные в стране назначения Julian Bream)
оконечные устройстваend-user devices (End user devices are communication adapters such as telephones, fax machines, or private telephone systems that adapt signals from a telecommunication system to a format (such as audio or visual) to a form that is suitable for an end user. voipdictionary.com Alexander Demidov)
оконечные устройстваterminals (ARCHITECTURE The ornamental finish, decorative element, or termination of an object, item of construction, or structural part. COMPUTER SCIENCE A site or location at which data can leave or enter a system. ELECTRICITY 1. A screw, soldering lug, or other point to which electric connections can be made. Also known as electric terminal. 2. The equipment at the end of a microwave relay system or other communication channel. 3. One of the electric input or output points of a circuit or component. MHST Alexander Demidov)
оконечный мощный каскадfinal stage (yo)
оконечный шестterminal pole
присоединять оконечное устройствоterminate
схемы полевых оконечных устройствfield termination wiring (feyana)