
Terms for subject General containing небольшой городок | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
весь городок разместился в небольшой долинеthe town was pocketed in a small valley
муниципалитет небольшого городкаBorough Council (Великобритания)
небольшой городокinsignificant town
небольшой городокsmall town (especially as considered to be unsophisticated or petty Val_Ships)
небольшой городокlittle town (township, small town. BED. We were both making for the same little town, it appeared, and as the sun was setting we reached it together. Finally we reached our destination–a little town called Malden, which is about five miles from Charleston, the present capital of the state. Once the lights of a little town are lit, who could ever hope to tell all its story, or the story of a single wynd in it? He was a well-to-do merchant, an alderman of the little town. thefreedictionary.com Alexander Demidov)
небольшой городокtank town
небольшой городок, находящийся на расстоянии десяти миль в десяти милях отсюдаa small town ten miles away
это государство выросло из нескольких небольших городковthis state grew out of a few small towns