
Terms for subject General containing детализация | all forms | exact matches only
без детализацииwithout going into details (bookworm)
без излишней детализацииuncluttered (Small_Doll)
в разумной степени детализацииin reasonable detail (Vladimir71)
детализация звонковcall history (1 An itemised list of the telephone numbers called from a particular account. 2 A sorted list, derived from the above, showing those numbers called most often. wiktionary.org Alexander Demidov)
детализация звонковitemization of calls (Alexander Demidov)
детализация по звонкамitemization of calls (Alexander Demidov)
детализация разбивка по товарным группамlevel of product aggregation (ВТО)
детализация себестоимостиcost breakdown (Alexander Demidov)
детализация себестоимости продукцииproduct cost breakdown (For a software product maker, a product cost breakdown will include development labor, energy, and any other costs directly associated with ... Alexander Demidov)
детализация стоимостиcost breakdown (ACCOUNTING the process of dividing the cost of something into the different parts that make up the total amount, according to who is doing the work, what materials are needed, etc.: This is a detailed cost breakdown of the costs involved in building a house. Cambridge Business English Dictionary. Cost breakdown is the systematic process of identifying the individual elements that comprise the total cost of a good, service or package. It assigns a specific dollar value to each element. Alternately, the value of the individual elements are expressed as a percentage of the total cost. For instance, if you visited your mechanic and got a $100 bill, $25 or 25 percent might be the cost of parts, while the remaining $75 or 75 percent of the bill might be labor. If the price of a good, service or package is significantly higher than the breakdown, the company may be charging exorbitantly. If the price is significantly lower than the breakdown, the company likely is taking a loss for working with the client. Alexander Demidov)
детализация счетаinvoice breakdown (4uzhoj)
детализация счетовitemization of monthly bills (Lavrov)
коды гармонизированной системы с детализацией не менее чем до 6-го знакаtariff line references at least the six-digit level
область детализацииdetail area (на чертеже и т.п. Svetozar)
с достаточной степенью детализацииsufficient detail (Alexander Demidov)
с достаточной степенью детализацииin reasonable detail (Alexander Matytsin)
с достаточной степенью детализацииto sufficient detail (Alexander Demidov)
с разумной степенью детализацииin reasonable detail (Stas-Soleil)
уровень сложности; уровень детализацииsophistication (bookworm)