
Terms for subject General containing а иногда | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
а иногдаother times ("Often I slipped into one of a few personas I had invented to make myself feel more authentically magical. Sometimes I was Cassandra, a husky-voiced Southern belle who called everyone 'honey child.' Other times I became Gabriel, a fey mystic with an accent that I imagined to be French-ish." – Bennett Madison, The New York Times, 5 Sept. 2016 VLZ_58)
иногда, а иногдаsometimes, other times (Sometimes you need to elevate what you are stating. Other times you should just write what is necessary. VLZ_58)
когда на море прилив, вода затопляет почти весь песок, а иногда доходит до береговой стеныwhen the tide is in, it covers most of the sand, and sometimes reaches the seawall