
Terms for subject General containing to) be in | all forms
action to be taken in responseden videre fremgangsmåde
action to be taken in responsehvad der videre skal foretages
action to be taken in responseom ... skal imødekommes
action to be taken in responseom ... kan imødekommes
action to be taken in responsehvad der videre skal ske
action to be taken in responseopfølgning
action to be taken in responseden videre behandling
Advisory Committee on measures to be taken in the event of a crisis in the market in the carriage of goods by road and for laying down the conditions under which non-resident carriers may operate national road haulage services within a Member State cabotageDet Rådgivende Udvalg for de Foranstaltninger, der Skal Træffes i Tilfælde af Krise på Markedet for Vejgodstransport og for Betingelserne for Transportvirksomheders Adgang til at Udføre Godstransport ad Landevej i en Medlemsstat, hvor de ikke Er Hjemmehørende Cabotage
to be communicated to Parliament in plenary sittingmeddeles plenarforsamlingen
Documents referenced in the text are available on the Council's Internet site http://www.consilium.europa.eu. Acts adopted with statements for the Council minutes which may be released to the public are indicated by an asteriskdisse erklæringer findes ligeledes på Rådets internetsted eller kan fås ved henvendelse til Pressetjenesten.
for investments, participation in tenders shall be open to...for så vidt angår investeringer, er deltagelse i licitationer åben for...
in carrying out the tasks entrusted to it, the Commission shall be guided by...Kommissionen tager under udøvelsen af de hverv, der er betroet den, hensyn til...
Method of calculation to be used in the periodical reviews of the remuneration of officialsberegningsmetode for den periodiske undersøgelse af niveautet for vederlagene til tjenestemænd
Method of calculation to be used in the periodical reviews of the remuneration of officialsberegningsmetode ved de regelmæssige undersøgelser af lønningsniveauet for tjenestemænd
method of calculation to be used in the periodical reviews of the remuneration of officialsend
need to be notified in advanceforpligtelse til forudgående underretning
participation in supplies shall be open to...deltagelse i leverancer er åben for...
person to be notified in event of accidentperson, som skal underrettes ved ulykkestilfælde
procedure to be followed in relation to specific petitions....proceduremæssig afgørelse i forbindelse med behandlingen af de pågældende andragender...
Protocol on the treatment to be applied to products within the province of the European Coal and Steel Community in respect of Algeria and the Overseas Departments of the French RepublicProtokol vedrørende den ordning, der skal finde anvendelse på varer, som henhører under Det Europæiske Kul- og Stålfællesskab med hensyn til Algeriet og Den Franske Republiks oversøiske departementer
rules shall determine the manner in which demand is to be balanced against supplyet reglement fastsætter vilkårene for sammenholdelse af tilbud og ordrer
the Council shall also determine any payment to be made in lieu of remunerationRådet fastsætter ligeledes alle godtgørelser, der ydes som vederlag
The expenditure shall be managed in accordance with the procedures and rules applicable to the general budget of the European Communities with the exception that any pre-financing shall not remain the property of the CommunityUdgifterne forvaltes i overensstemmelse med de procedurer og regler, der gælder for De Europæiske Fællesskabers almindelige budget, bortset fra at eventuelle forfinansieringer ikke forbliver Fællesskabets ejendom.
the manner in which this Article is to be implementednærmere bestemmelser om gennemførelsen af denne artikel
the order in which questions are to be takenrækkefølgen for behandlingen af spørgsmål
The Special Report, which is shortly to be published in the Official Journal of the European Union, was adopted by the Court at its meeting on ... and is accompanied by the replies from ... and the Commission, which was notified of the preliminary findings on ...den er ledsaget af svar fra ... og Kommissionen, der fik forelagt de foreløbige revisionsresultater den ...
this Decision shall be published in the EEA Section of, and the EEA Supplement to, the Official Journal of the European Uniondenne afgørelse offentliggøres i Den Europæiske Unions Tidendes EØS-afsnit og EØS-tillæg