
Terms for subject General containing pyramid | all forms | exact matches only
human pyramidживая пирамида (polinapalei)
Louvre PyramidПирамида Лувра (Ремедиос_П)
pyramid investment schemeфинансовая пирамида (denghu)
pyramid-likeпирамидоподобный (WiseSnake)
pyramid investment schemeинвестиционная пирамида (Lavrov)
pyramid schemeмошенническая пирамида (A pyramid scheme is an illegal investment scam based on a hierarchical setup. New recruits make up the base of the pyramid and provide the funding, or so-called returns, the earlier investors/recruits above them receive. A pyramid scheme does not involve the selling of products. Rather, it relies on the constant inflow of money from additional investors that works its way to the top of the pyramid. Read more: Pyramid Scheme investopedia.com Alexander Demidov)
pyramid schemeденежная пирамида (Tanya Gesse)
pyramid schemeфинансовая пирамида (тж. Ponzi scheme Alexander Demidov)
pyramid tombsпирамиды усыпальницы
Russian pyramidрусский бильярд (Russian pyramid, also known simply as pyramid or pyramids (piramida) and often called Russian billiards (Russian: russky bilyard) or Russian pool, is a cue sport that has several differences from Western pool, although game play is still dominated by attempts to pocket (pot) billiard balls. It is played in countries of the former Soviet Union and a variant of it, Kaisa, is popular in Finland. WAD Alexander Demidov)
the building was shaped like a giant pyramidздание было построено в форме гигантской пирамиды
the glass pyramid in front of the Louvreстеклянная пирамида напротив Лувра (скульптор Ио Минь Пэи Ieoh Ming Pei)
the Great Pyramidпирамида Хеопса
the Great Pyramid of Cheopsпирамида Хеопса
the Pyramid Texts"Тексты пирамид" (в египтологии условное назв. надписей на стенах внутренних помещений пирамид фараонов V и VI династий)
triangular pyramidтрёхгранная пирамида
trigonal pyramidтрёхгранная пирамида