
Terms for subject General containing proposed | all forms | exact matches only
to adopt the proposed amendment as a wholevedtage forslaget som helhed
adoption of the proposed amendment as a wholevedtage forslaget som helhed
if one of the two institutions fails to approve the proposed act, it shall be deemed not to have been adoptedgodkender en af de to institutioner ikke den foreslåede retsakt, anses denne for ikkevedtaget
Proposed amendment to the preliminary draft replyændringsforslag til foreløbigt udkast til svar
Proposed amendment to the draft minutesændringsforslag til udkast til protokol for
proposed terms of the contractforeslåede aftalebetingelser
proposed terms of the contractforeslåede kontraktvilkår
proposed terms of the contractbetingelserne for indgåelse af aftalen
proposed terms of the contractbetingelser,der er fastlagt for indgåelse af kontrakten