
Terms for subject General containing energy supply | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
energy suppliesпоставки энергоносителей (The end of cheap Russian energy supplies and the possible disruption of Chinese markets for German technology are a serious threat to its industry and social and political stability. – The Guardian diyaroschuk)
energy supplyэнергоресурсы
energy supply agreementдоговор энергоснабжения (ABelonogov)
Gosenergonadzor – State Energy Supervision, State Power Supply InspectorateГосэнергонадзор (Государственный энергетический надзор Kotsli)
renewable energy sources capacity supply agreementДПМ ВИЭ (emirates42)
world's energy supplyМировые энергетические запасы (bigmaxus)
world's energy supplyМировое энергоснабжение (bigmaxus)