
Terms for subject General containing after which | all forms | in specified order only
after whichпосле чего
he then turned his arms against Babylon which he took by stratagem after a long siegeпотом он направил свои войска на Вавилон, который захватил с помощью военной хитрости после долгой осады
I can never remember which king came after whichя никак не могу запомнить, какой король наследовал какому
on the day after the day on whichв день, следующий за днём, когда (An Act without commencement provisions comes into force on the day after the day on which it received royal assent. andreevna)
register of vessels under construction which will be considered as marine vessels after their constructionреестр строящихся судов, которые после постройки считаются морскими судами (ABelonogov)