
Terms for subject General containing Distant | all forms | exact matches only
a bosom friend afar brings a distant land near天涯若比邻
a bosom friend afar brings a distant land near海内存知己
at no distant date日内
at no distant date不日
be distant from远离
be two miles distant from离…有二英里远
distant ages往苷
distant early warning system远程警戒系统防空雷达线
distant early warning远程〔早期〕预警〔系统〕 (system)
distant early warning line远程早期预警线美国一种防空雷达系统
distant early warning system远程〔早期〕预警系统
distant electric control远距离电力操纵
distant electric control电〔力〕遥控
distant likeness约略相似
distant range远程〔的〕
distant reading compass遥读罗盘
distant side of the moon月球背面
distant-space radio centre远距离空间无线电〔通信〕中心
distant surveillance远距监测
distant surveillance遥远监控
distant surveillance section遥远观测站
have not the most distant idea不甚明白 (of a matter)
in the no distant future在不久的将来
the day is not far distant when...距离…的日子已不远了
the time is not far distant when...距离…的日子已不远了