
Terms containing a | all forms | exact matches only
h.rghts.act.ACATAction by Christians for the Abolition of Torture
h.rghts.act.ACATAction by Christians against Torture
comp., MSCA emittentiissuing CA (In a public key infrastructure hierarchy, the certification authority that that issues certificates to users and computers)
econ., IT"access creep"privilege creep
econ., IT"access creep"access creep
agric.acetobacteracetobacter (Mycoderma aceti)
agric.acetobactervinegar bacteria (Mycoderma aceti)
comp., MSCA għerqroot CA (The most trusted certification authority (CA), which is at the top of a certification hierarchy. The root CA has a self-signed certificate)
comp., MSCA għerq fdatatrusted root CA (A root certification authority that appears in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities console of the Windows operating systems and is trusted by the operating system)
comp., MSCache tad-Dokumenti OfficeOffice Document Cache (A client-side cache for documents that are stored on Web servers. Documents are seamlessly replicated from this local cache, and uploaded to servers as required, enabling faster and more robust file access)
comp., MScache tal-formolaforms cache (A location on a computer's hard drive to store a local copy of a form to improve performance when opening a form subsequent times)
comp., MSCA intermedjaintermediate CA (A certification authority that has the ability to issue the intermediate certificates needed to certify the subject identified by the end certificate)
fin.accountantaccounting officer
immigr.acquis L- Komunitarjuacquis
econ.acquis komunitarjuCommunity acquis
law, engl.acquis communautairethe body of EU law
law, engl.acquis communautaireacquis communautaire
law, engl.acquis communautaireCommunity acquis
lawacquis tal-UEthe body of EU law
lawacquis tal-UEacquis
lawacquis tal-UEUnion acquis
lawacquis tal-UEEU acquis
lawacquis tal-UnjoniUnion acquis
lawacquis tal-Unjoniacquis
lawacquis tal-Unjonithe body of EU law
lawacquis tal-UnjoniEU acquis
h.rghts.act., engl.Action Against HungerAction Against Hunger
pharma.adrenoċettur-a2alpha-2 adrenergic receptor
transp., mil., grnd.forc., tech.angolu tal-istering ta' AckermanAckerman steer angle
polit.approvazzjoni tal-lista ta' punti "A"approval of the list of "A" items
sociol., empl.approċċ ACTIONACTION approach
chem.approċċ ta' read-acrossread-across approach
comp., MSattivazzjoni bbażata fuq Active DirectoryActive Directory-based activation (The activation of systems in an enterprise environment by using an established Active Directory implementation and the same key types)
account.azzjoni privileġġjata ta' klassi aclass A preference share
chem.bisfenol Abisphenol A
agric., food.ind.Brassica mwerrqaleafy brassica
gen.Direttorat ADirectorate A
gen.Direttorat ADirectorate for Administration and Finance
gen.EUFOR LibyaEuropean Union military operation in support of humanitarian assistance operations in response to the crisis situation in Libya
gen.EUFOR LibyaEUFOR Libya
laweżami analitiku "screening" tal-acquisscreening process
laweżami analitiku "screening" tal-acquisscreening exercise
chem.fluworokarbonju-140amethyl chloroform
law, commer.formola A/Bform A/B
law, fin., engl.Frank-Dodd ActFrank-Dodd Act
food.ind.gomma tal-Karayakaraya gum
food.ind.gomma tal-Karayagum karaya
food.ind.gomma tal-KarayaSterculia
food.ind.gomma tal-KarayaKuterra
food.ind.gomma tal-KarayaKadaya
food.ind.gomma tal-KarayaKaraya
food.ind.gomma tal-KarayaKullo
food.ind.gomma tal-KarayaKatilo
food.ind.gomma tal-KarayaGum sterculia
construct., econ.Green Paper dwar ir-Reviżjoni tal-Acquis tal-KonsumaturGreen Paper on the Review of the Consumer Acquis
commer.grossist/awholesale dealer
gen.Grupp ta' Ħidma dwar l-Acquis ta' SchengenWorking Party on the Schengen Acquis
gen.Guide to Working in a Europe without FrontiersGuide to Working in a Europe without Frontiers
med.il-vajrus AH1N1 il-ġdid tal-influwenzaMexican influenza virus
med.il-vajrus AH1N1 il-ġdid tal-influwenzanovel flu virus
med.il-vajrus AH1N1 il-ġdid tal-influwenzaswine influenza virus A H1N1
med.il-vajrus AH1N1 il-ġdid tal-influwenzanovel influenza virus A H1N1
med.il-vajrus AH1N1 il-ġdid tal-influwenzanovel influenza virus
med.il-vajrus AH1N1 il-ġdid tal-influwenzainfluenza A H1N1 v virus
health.influwenza A H1N1influenza A H1N1 v
health.influwenza A H1N1Mexican influenza
health.influwenza A H1N1novel influenza A H1N1
health.influwenza A H1N1novel H1N1 flu
health.influwenza A H1N1North American influenza
health.influwenza A H1N1North American flu
health.influwenza A H1N1Mexican flu
health.influwenza A H1N1influenza A H1N1
health.influwenza A H1N1human swine influenza A H1N1
health.influwenza A H1N12009 H1N1 flu
health.influwenza A/H1N1influenza A H1N1
health.influwenza A/H1N1H1N1 flu
health.influwenza l-ġdida AH1N1influenza A H1N1 v
health.influwenza l-ġdida AH1N1Mexican influenza
health.influwenza l-ġdida AH1N1human swine influenza A H1N1
health.influwenza l-ġdida AH1N1North American influenza
health.influwenza l-ġdida AH1N1influenza A H1N1
health.influwenza l-ġdida AH1N1novel influenza A H1N1
health.influwenza l-ġdida AH1N1North American flu
health.influwenza l-ġdida AH1N1Mexican flu
health.influwenza l-ġdida AH1N1novel H1N1 flu
health.influwenza l-ġdida AH1N12009 H1N1 flu
h.rghts.act.CirefcaInternational Conference on Central American Refugees
transp., avia.kategorija A għall-ħelikoptersCategory A with respect to helicopters
comp., MSkontroll ActiveXActiveX control (A software control that incorporates ActiveX technology)
tech., law, el.linja AC/linja ta' kurrent alternatAC line
med.marda newroloġiku/aneurological disease
gen.Missjoni ta' Monitoraġġ ta' AcehAceh Monitoring Mission
gen.Missjoni ta' Monitoraġġ ta' AcehEuropean Union Monitoring Mission in Aceh Indonesia
gen.Missjoni ta' Monitoraġġ tal-Unjoni Ewropea f'AcehAceh Monitoring Mission
gen.Missjoni ta' Monitoraġġ tal-Unjoni Ewropea f'AcehEuropean Union Monitoring Mission in Aceh Indonesia
lawmiżura li tibni fuq l-acquis ta' Schengenmeasure constituting a development of the Schengen acquis
lawmiżura li tibni fuq l-acquis ta' Schengenmeasure building upon the Schengen acquis
lawmiżura li tibni fuq l-acquis ta' SchengenSchengen-building measure
law, immigr.N/A FR MTundocumented foreign nationals
law, immigr., engl.N/A IT MTN/A
law, immigr.N/A FR MTVisa for stay between 3 and 6 months
law, immigr.N/A FR MTresident card
law, immigr.N/A ES MTvisa to seek employment
gen.Nota Punt "I/A""I/A" item note
comp., MSoġġett ActiveXActiveX object (An object supplied by a component that supports Automation)
comp., MSpaġna fil-cachecached page (A stored version of a document or web page)
transp., mil., grnd.forc., mech.eng.pilastru AA pillar
phys.sc., tech.ponderazzjoni-AA-weighting
tech., law, el.pożizzjoni AC ta' żona nnettjatanetted area AC position
polit.pożizzjoni dwar punt "A"a position on an "A" item
polit.Protokoll dwar l-acquis ta' Schengen integrat fil-qafas tal-Unjoni EwropeaProtocol integrating the Schengen acquis into the framework of the European Union
polit.Protokoll dwar l-acquis ta' Schengen integrat fil-qafas tal-Unjoni EwropeaProtocol on the Schengen acquis integrated into the framework of the European Union
obs., polit.Protokoll li jintegra l-acquis ta' Schengen fil-qafas ta' l-Unjoni EwropeaProtocol integrating the Schengen acquis into the framework of the European Union
obs., polit.Protokoll li jintegra l-acquis ta' Schengen fil-qafas ta' l-Unjoni EwropeaProtocol on the Schengen acquis integrated into the framework of the European Union
life.sc., environ.Protokoll Supplimentari ta' Nagoya-Kuala Lumpur dwar ir-Responsabbiltà u l-Kumpens tal-Protokoll ta' Kartaġena dwar il-BijosikurezzaNagoya-Kuala Lumpur Supplementary Protocol on Liability and Redress to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
life.sc., environ.Protokoll Supplimentari ta' Nagoya-Kuala Lumpur dwar ir-Responsabbiltà u r-Rimedju għall-Protokoll ta' Kartaġena dwar il-BijosigurtàNagoya-Kuala Lumpur Supplementary Protocol on Liability and Redress to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
gen.Protokoll ta' NagoyaNagoya Protocol on ABS
gen.Protokoll ta' NagoyaProtocol on Access and Benefit-Sharing
gen.Protokoll ta' NagoyaNagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity
gen.Protokoll ta' NagoyaNagoya Protocol
gen.Protokoll ta' NagoyaABS Protocol
environ.Protokoll ta' Nagoya dwar l-Aċċess għal Riżorsi Ġenetiċi u l-Qsim Ġust u Ekwu ta' Benefiċċji li Jirriżultaw mill-Użu tagħhom fl-UnjoniNagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity
environ.Protokoll ta' Nagoya dwar l-Aċċess għal Riżorsi Ġenetiċi u l-Qsim Ġust u Ekwu ta' Benefiċċji li Jirriżultaw mill-Użu tagħhom fl-UnjoniProtocol on Access and Benefit-Sharing
environ.Protokoll ta' Nagoya dwar l-Aċċess għal Riżorsi Ġenetiċi u l-Qsim Ġust u Ekwu ta' Benefiċċji li Jirriżultaw mill-Użu tagħhom fl-UnjoniNagoya Protocol on ABS
environ.Protokoll ta' Nagoya dwar l-Aċċess għal Riżorsi Ġenetiċi u l-Qsim Ġust u Ekwu ta' Benefiċċji li Jirriżultaw mill-Użu tagħhom fl-UnjoniNagoya Protocol
environ.Protokoll ta' Nagoya dwar l-Aċċess għal Riżorsi Ġenetiċi u l-Qsim Ġust u Ekwu ta' Benefiċċji li Jirriżultaw mill-Użu tagħhom fl-UnjoniABS Protocol
gen.Segretarjat Ġenerali tas-SICACentral American Integration Secretariat
comp., MSServizzi AccessAccess Services (A scalable Web platform that enables users to publish an Access database application to a SharePoint site. Data in these databases can then be viewed and edited in a Web browser. This enables browser-based viewing and interaction with the databases on machines that do not have a database application installed)
comp., MSServizzi tad-Dominju Active DirectoryActive Directory Domain Services (The Microsoft Windows based directory service. Active Directory Domain Services stores information about objects on a network and makes this information available to users and network administrators)
food.ind., engl.simulant Asimulant A
busin."Small Business Act" għall-EwropaSmall Business Act for Europe
busin."Small Business Act" għall-EwropaSmall Business Act
health., med., engl.spina bifida cysticaspina bifida cystica (spina bifida aperta, spina bifida cystica)
health., med., engl.spina bifida cysticaspina bifida aperta (spina bifida aperta, spina bifida cystica)
comp., MStefa' fil-cachecache (To store frequently used data values in a special memory subsystem for quick access)
comp., MStfigħ fil-cachecaching (The process of temporarily storing recently accessed information in a special memory subsystem for quicker access)
gen.Unità A2Unit A2
gen.Unità A1Budget and Finance
gen.Unità A1Unit A1
gen.Unità A4Unit A4
gen.Unità A4General Administration
gen.Unità A2Recruitment and Career
gen.Unità A3Unit A3
gen.Unità A3Working Conditions, Rights and Training
polit.Unità tal-Kwalità Leġiżlattiva A - Politika Ekonomika u XjentifikaLegislative Quality Unit A - Economic and Scientific Policy
med.virus tal-influwenza AH1N1novel influenza virus A H1N1
med.virus tal-influwenza AH1N1novel flu virus
med.virus tal-influwenza AH1N1novel influenza virus
med.virus tal-influwenza AH1N1Mexican influenza virus
med.virus tal-influwenza AH1N1swine influenza virus A H1N1
med.virus tal-influwenza AH1N1influenza A H1N1 v virus
polit.Waqt l-adozzjoni definittiva tal-punti "A" relatati ma' atti leġislattivi, il-Kunsill qabel li jinkludi dan li ġej f'dawn il-minuti:When finally adopting the "A" items relating to legislative acts, the Council agreed to enter the following in these minutes:
polit.x'aktarx isir punt "A"likely to become an "I" item
polit.x'aktarx isir punt "A"likely to become an "A" item
obs., sugar.zokkor AA sugar
gen.ċiklu Amani AfricaAmani Africa Cycle
gen.ġeneratur ACalternator
gen.ġeneratur ACalternating current generator
gen.ġeneratur ACAC generator
econ., commer.żona "a""a" area