
Terms containing страница | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSавторитетна страницаauthoritative page (A Web page that a site collection administrator has designated as more relevant than other Web pages. This is typically the URL of the home page for the intranet of an organization. The higher the authority level assigned to a page, the higher the page appears in search results. Also referred to as authoritative page)
comp., MSвеб-страницаweb page (A document on the World Wide Web. A Web page consists of an HTML file, with associated files for graphics and scripts, in a particular directory on a particular machine (and thus identifiable by an URL). Usually a Web page contains links to other Web pages)
comp., MSвеб-страницаwebpage (A document on the World Wide Web. A Web page consists of an HTML file, with associated files for graphics and scripts, in a particular directory on a particular machine (and thus identifiable by an URL). Usually a Web page contains links to other Web pages)
comp., MSвеб-страницаweb page (A document on the World Wide Web. A Web page consists of an HTML file, with associated files for graphics and scripts, in a particular directory on a particular machine (and thus identifiable by an URL). Usually a Web page contains links to other Web pages)
comp., MSвеб-страница од највисоко нивоtop-level Web site (The default, top-level site provided by a Web server or virtual server. To gain access to the top-level Web site, you supply the URL of the server without specifying a page name or subsite)
comp., MSвоведна страницаlobby page (A page of information about the broadcast that is displayed in the viewer's browser before the broadcast begins. It can contain a title, subject, host's name, information about the broadcast, and a countdown to the time of the broadcast)
comp., MSвртење страницаflip ahead (A feature in Internet Explorer that enables users to go to the next page on a site quickly by swiping across the page or clicking the Forward button)
comp., MSглавна страницаmaster page (A page that contains the design and layout elements that you want to repeat on multiple pages in a publication. Using master pages for these common elements gives your publication a more consistent appearance)
comp., MSДенешна страницаToday page (A customizable page that launches with Windows Live Messenger and features a summary of news and weather, allows a customer to preview their Windows Live Mail inbox and search the Internet)
comp., MSдинамична пристапна страницаdynamic landing page (An individual page in a topic series, or any page that is primarily search-driven)
comp., MSкеширана страницаcached page (A stored version of a document or web page)
comp., MSкодна страницаcode page (A table that relates the character codes (code point values) used by a program to keys on the keyboard or to characters on the display. This provides support for character sets and keyboard layouts for different countries or regions)
comp., MSКонзола за изведба на страницаPage Performance Console (A troubleshooting tool used for per-page performance testing)
comp., MSМобилна страницаMobile site (The Windows Mobile footer link to the site that is built for viewing from mobile devices)
comp., MSосновна страницаbasic page (A Web Parts page that contains only one Web Part zone and, by default, a Content Editor Web Part)
comp., MSподножје од страницаpage footer (One or more lines of text in the bottom margin area of a page. A footer may contain elements such as the page number, the name of the file, or the date)
comp., MSWindows Live почетна страницаWindows Live Home (The main landing or start page on Windows Live)
comp., MSпочетна страницаhome page (A document that serves as a starting point in a hypertext system. On the World Wide Web, an entry page for a set of Web pages and other files in a Web site. The home page is displayed by default when a visitor navigates to the site using a Web browser)
comp., MSПочетна страницаHome (The link to the main landing/start page on Windows Live)
comp., MSпочетна страница на папкатаfolder home page (An Internet Web page or intranet page that is associated with an Outlook folder. If a page has been associated with the folder and the option is set, the Web page appears in the Outlook window whenever you select the folder)
comp., MSпразна страницаblank page (A page where there is no information displayed)
comp., MSПреглед на веб-страницаWeb Page Preview (An option that displays the Web page in a Web browser)
comp., MSпрелом на страницаpage break (The point at which one page ends and another begins)
comp., MSприказ за распоред на страницаpage layout view (A view of a document as it will appear on the printed page)
comp., MSприказ на страницаpage view (The request by a user's browser for a Web page. The number of requests to view a page can indicate the frequency with which an ad is viewed)
comp., MSреклама преку цела страницаskyscraper (A graphic ad that is the full height of a page and normally 120 pixels wide)
comp., MSсврти страницаflip ahead (To go to the next page on a site quickly by swiping across the page or clicking the Forward button)
comp., MSскокање на страницаpage hop (A process of traversing from one item to another during a crawl)
comp., MSспонзорирана страницаsponsored site (Another site promoted by the host site)
comp., MSстраница за автентикацијаauthentication page (A Web page presented to unauthenticated users logging on to a site requiring authentication with a Web browser)
comp., MSстраница за добредојдеwelcome page (A document that serves as a starting point in a hypertext system. On the World Wide Web, an entry page for a set of Web pages and other files in a Web site. The home page is displayed by default when a visitor navigates to the site using a Web browser)
comp., MSстраница за објавувањеpublishing page (A document that binds to a page layout to generate an HTML page for display to a reader. Publishing pages have specific fields that contain the content that is displayed in an HTML page)
comp., MSстраница за овластувањаauthority page (A Web page that a site collection administrator has designated as more relevant than other Web pages. This is typically the URL of the home page for the intranet of an organization. The higher the authority level assigned to a page, the higher the page appears in search results. Also referred to as authoritative page)
comp., MSстраница за приказ на списокlist view page (A Web Part Page that displays a view of a list)
comp., MSстраница со белешкиnotes page (A printed page that displays author notes beneath the slide that the notes accompany)
comp., MSСтраница со веб-деловиWeb Parts page (An ASP.NET Web page that includes Web Parts controls that let users personalize the page, such as selecting the information to display)
comp., MSстраница со својстваproperty page (A grouping of properties presented as a tabbed page of a property sheet)
comp., MSУредувач на веб-страницаPage Editor (A tool used to edit the content of web pages that the customer has created with Office Live)