
Terms for subject Forestry containing Ochrana | all forms | exact matches only
chemická ochrana lesachemical forest protection
mechanická ochrana pred poškodením zveroumechanical protection against damage by wildlife
ochrana cenného drevaprotection of valuable wood
ochrana drevawood protection
ochrana dýchaniabreathing protection
ochrana kmeňatrunk protection
ochrana kultúryculture conservation
ochrana kvalitného drevaprotection of valuable wood
ochrana lesaforest insect and disease management
ochrana očíeye-protection
ochrana pokožkyskin protection
ochrana proti burineweed management
ochrana proti lesným požiaromforest-fire protection
ochrana proti myšiamprotection against mice
ochrana proti odhryzuprotection against browsing
ochrana proti oslneniuvisor
ochrana proti spätnému vrhukickback guard
ochrana proti treniuprotection against rubbing
ochrana proti zveriprotection against girdeling
ochrana pôdyground conservation
ochrana pôdy a vodyground and water conservation
ochrana rastlín sadeníc proti odparovaniuplant protection against evaporation
ochrana rúkhand protection
ochrana semenáčikovseedling protection