
Terms for subject Environment containing fang | all forms | exact matches only
estabilització del fangsludge stabilisation Usually anaerobic sludge digestion, a treatment that stabilizes raw sludge. Fully digested sludge has little readily biodegradable organic matter. It is not smelly and about 50% of the solids are inorganic. Sludge can also be digested aerobically
fang actiudigested sludge Sludge or thickened mixture of sewage solids with water that has been decomposed by anaerobic bacteria
fang d'aigües residualssewage sludge A semi-liquid waste with a solid concentration in excess of 2500 parts per million, obtained from the purification of municipal sewage
fang d'aigües residualswaste water sludge The removed materials resulting from physical, biological and chemical treatment of waste water
fang deshidratatdehydrated sludge Sludge whose water content has been reduced by physical means
fang industrialindustrial sludge Sludge produced as a result of industrial production processes or manufacturing
fang residual de depuradoraresidual waste sludge The excess, unusable semi-solids or sediment resulting from a wastewater treatment or industrial process