
Terms for subject Politics containing taller | all forms | exact matches only
a nivel del tallershop floor level
cierre de tallereslockout
cierre de tallereslockout A total or partial temporary closure of one or more places of employment, or the hindering of the normal work activities of employees, by one or more employers, with a view to enforcing or resisting demands or expressing grievances, or supporting other employers in their demands or grievances (Cierre de una fábrica por un empleador para obligar a los obreros a aceptar ciertas condiciones de trabajo)
fabricas y talleresfactories and workshops
plano de tallerworkshop layout
plano de tallerworkshop layout Design or arrangement of a workshop (Disposición de las máquinas, herramientas e instalaciones en el espacio destinado a un taller)
taller de formacióntraining workshop Area within an undertaking reserved for provision of practical training and specially staffed and equipped for this purpose (e.g. training office, training plot, training kitchen). Do not confuse with SEMINAR
taller de formacióntraining workshop
taller de readaptación profesionalvocational rehabilitation workshop vocational rehabilitation centre (centro de rehabilitación profesional)
taller de readaptación profesionalvocational rehabilitation workshop
taller de reparacionesrepair shop
taller flexibleflexible manufacturing system An arrangement of machines and a connecting transport system under the control of a central computer which permits handling and processing of several assemblies simultaneously
taller flexibleflexible manufacturing system
taller protegidosheltered workshop
trabajador de taller de vehìculosgarage worker