
Terms for subject Microsoft containing común | all forms
formato de archivo de objeto comúncommon object file format (A format in 32-bit programming for executable (image) and object files that is portable across platforms. The Microsoft implementation is called portable executable (PE) file format)
Lenguaje intermedio comúnCommon Intermediate Language (A language used as the output of a number of compilers and as the input to a just-in-time (JIT) compiler. The common language runtime includes a JIT compiler for converting the language to native code)
Modelo de información comúnCommon Information Model (The model that describes how to represent real-world managed objects. CIM uses an object-oriented paradigm, where managed objects are modeled using the concepts of classes and instances. The CIM is divided into the metamodel and the standard schema. The metamodel describes what types of entities make up the schema. It also defines how these entities can be combined into objects that represent real-world devices)
nombre comúncommon name (" A naming attribute from which an object's distinguished name is formed. For most object classes, the naming attribute is the Common-Name. For example, a user object with its CN set to "Jeff Smith" might have a distinguished name of "CN=Jeff Smith,CN=Users,DC=Fabrikam,DC=com".")
nombre comúnCN (" A naming attribute from which an object's distinguished name is formed. For most object classes, the naming attribute is the Common-Name. For example, a user object with its CN set to "Jeff Smith" might have a distinguished name of "CN=Jeff Smith,CN=Users,DC=Fabrikam,DC=com".")
script comúncommon script (In database unit testing, one of the following scripts: TestInitialize or TestCleanup)
Sistema de archivos de registro comúnCommon Log File System (A general-purpose logging service that can be used by software clients running in user-mode or kernel-mode)