
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Ko‘rib chiqish | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
Birikmalarni dastlabki ko‘rib chiqishAttachment Previewing (A feature that allows users to see and interact with E-mail messages and their attachments side by side in the reading pane)
dastlabki ko‘rib chiqishpreview (In word processors and other applications, the feature that formats a document for printing but displays it on the video monitor rather than sending it directly to the printer)
Kalendarni dastlabki ko‘rib chiqishCalendar Preview (A feature that allows users to see conflicting appointments directly from Mail view without having to switch to Calendar view. Makes it much easier for users to decide to accept or decline a meeting invite that conflicts with an existing meeting)
Ko‘rib chiqishOverview (The main pages in Microsoft Office Live where subscribers can view and access their services as well as statistics regarding their accounts)
ko‘rib chiqish maydonidrop area (An area in a PivotTable or PivotChart report where you can drop fields from the Field List dialog box to display the data in the field. The labels on each drop area indicate the types of fields you can create in the report)
veb-sahifalarni ilovalar bilan ko‘rib chiqishtabbed browsing (A function of some Web browsers that allows users to surf and view multiple pages by loading Web sites into sections (or tabs) of one page, rather than multiple pages)
veb-sahifani ko‘rib chiqishWeb Page Preview (An option that displays the Web page in a Web browser)