
Terms for subject Microsoft containing kodolas | all forms
Base 64 kódolásBase 64 encoding (A binary-to-text encoding scheme whereby an arbitrary sequence of bytes is converted to a sequence of printable ASCII characters)
egymenetes kódolásone-pass encoding (An encoding method in which content is analyzed and compressed in the same pass through the encoder)
kétmenetes kódolástwo-pass encoding (An encoding method in which content is analyzed in one pass through the encoder, after which compression is applied in the second pass)
RemoteFX-kódolásRemoteFX encoding (The encoding process used with the Microsoft RemoteFX technology, including seven functional stages in the encoding path)
RemoteFX-kódolóRemoteFX encoder (An optional hardware encoder that can be installed for additional scalability on the RemoteFX server. The RemoteFX encoder allows encoding on the processor, on the GPU, or on dedicated hardware. This flexible encoding process provides high fidelity and scalability. In computers where the processors are consistently busy, the dedicated hardware ensures that the user experience is not affected)
többcélos kódolásmultitargeting (The ability to target code to specific versions (for example, 2.0, 3.5, 4, or 4.5) of the .NET Framework)
Windows Media kódoló parancsprogramWindows Media Encoding Script (A command-line tool in Windows Media Encoder 9 Series that is used to encode and broadcast digital media content)
Windows Media kódoló segédprogramWindows Media Encoding Utility (A command-line utility for earlier versions of Windows Media Encoder, which encodes and broadcasts digital media content)