
Terms for subject Microsoft containing felmeres | all forms
Alkalmazáshasználati felmérésApplication Telemetry (A system that is used to gather a wide variety of information about applications. It includes, but is not limited to, what shims are applied, what compatibility switching context is used, if PCA applies a layer, and it includes Application Impact Telemetry)
Alkalmazáshasználati felmérésApplication Impact Telemetry (A sub-feature of Application Telemetry whose goal is to gather information on how applications use features exposed by the operating system (COM objects, registry, DLLs, DLL exports, etc). This data is used to better understand how a change to or removal of a Windows feature may impact applications and overall application compatibility goals. It also helps understand how features are used, and allows Microsoft to use that information in planning new features, allocating testing resources, etc)
Felmérési eszközkészletAssessment Toolkit (A toolkit that helps you determine the quality of a running operating system or a set of components with regard to performance, reliability and functionality. The toolkit includes several assessments and provides the tools needed to run assessments on a local computer or on multiple computers, and review the results of the assessments to diagnose problems and determine how to make improvements)
Microsoft felmérési és tervezési eszközkészletMicrosoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit (A powerful inventory, assessment, and reporting tool that can run securely in small or large IT environments without requiring the installation of agent software on any computers or devices. The data and analysis provided by this toolkit can significantly simplify the planning process for migrating to Windows)
Windows felmérési konzolWindows Assessment Console (A tool in the Windows ADK that uses assessments to create jobs that evaluate quality and view the results after a job runs. The Windows AC can also package a job and other necessary files, save the files in a folder that contains an executable file, move the job to another computer, and then run the job on the new computer)
Windows felmérési konzolWindows AC (A tool in the Windows ADK that uses assessments to create jobs that evaluate quality and view the results after a job runs. The Windows AC can also package a job and other necessary files, save the files in a folder that contains an executable file, move the job to another computer, and then run the job on the new computer)