
Terms for subject Microsoft containing ervenyesites | all forms
alakzatszintű érvényesítésshape-level validation (The act of checking a visual workflow to ensure that the shapes and connections are valid)
rendszerállapot-érvényesítési pontSystem Health Validator point (The tool in the Configuration Manager console that is used to browse the status messages in the Configuration Manager site database)
rendszerállapot-érvényesítősystem health validator (A server software counterpart to a system health agent (SHA). A system health validator verifies the statement of health (SoH) made by its respective SHA)
Windows biztonságiállapot-érvényesítőWindows Security Health Validator (Windows system health validator (SHV) for Network Access Protection (NAP). Windows Security Health Validator verifies status of system health components that are received in a statement of health (SoH) from NAP client computers that have the Windows Security Health Agent installed)
érvényesítési szabályvalidation rule (A property that defines valid input values for a field or record in a table, or a control on a form)