
Terms for subject Environment containing fibre de | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
boues de papier et de fibrefibre and paper sludge
capteur à base de fibresfibre-based sensor
déchets de fibre de verrefibre glass wastes
déchets de matériaux à base de fibre de verrewaste glass-based fibrous materials
déchets provenant de la FFDU de matières plastiques, caoutchouc et fibres synthétiqueswaste from the MFSU of plastics, synthetic rubber and man-made fibres
déchets provenant de la FFDU de matières plastiques,caoutchouc et fibres synthétiqueswastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and use of plastics, synthetic rubber and man-made fibres
déchets provenant de la FFDU de matières plastiques,caoutchouc et fibres synthétiqueswastes from the MFSU of plastics, synthetic rubber and man-made fibres
fibre de rochemineral fibre
fibre de verrefibreglass A material made from small fibres of glass twisted together, which is used for keeping buildings warm, or a plastic strengthened by these fibres and used for making structures such as the outsides of cars and boats
industrie des fibres synthétiquessynthetic fibres industry
industrie des fibres synthétiquessynthetic fibres industry No definition needed
poussières de fibresfibre dusts