
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Conversion | all forms | exact matches only
conversion de contenucontent conversion (The process of transforming e-mail messages from one format to another for the purpose of mail flow or storage, such as MAPI to MIME, or uuencode to Base64 encoded, or for appropriate rendering that is specific to an e-mail client, such as HTML to RTF to plain text)
conversion de contenu PDFPDF reflow (A process that converts a PDF file to flowing text and document elements that are native to the application being used)
conversion de contenu PDFPDF Reflow (A feature that enables PDF reflow)
conversion de curseur impliciteimplicit cursor conversion (The return of a different type of cursor than the user had declared)
conversion de texte par synthèse vocaletext-to-speech (Pertaining to technologies for converting textual (ASCII) information into synthetic speech output. Used in voice-processing applications requiring production of broad, unrelated, and unpredictable vocabularies, such as products in a catalog or names and addresses. This technology is appropriate when system design constraints prevent the more efficient use of speech concatenation alone)
conversion des devisesforeign currency translation (A procedure for recording revalued functional currency account balances when restating account balances in a reporting currency)
conversion d'espace de couleurscolor-space conversion (A technique for converting a color in one color space to another color space. Typically, this conversion is from YUV colors from a video source to RGB for display)
conversion d'espace de couleurscolor space conversion (A technique for converting a color in one color space to another color space. Typically, this conversion is from YUV colors from a video source to RGB for display)
conversion d'ordinateur physique en ordinateur virtuelphysical-to-virtual machine conversion (" The process by which a functioning physical computer is "converted" to an identical, or nearly identical, virtual machine.")
conversion d'ordinateur virtuel en ordinateur virtuelvirtual-to-virtual machine conversion (" The process by which a functioning virtual machine created in VMware is "converted" to an identical, or nearly identical, virtual machine in Virtual Machine Manager.")
conversion monétairecurrency translation (The process of restating foreign currency accounts of subsidiaries into equivalent currency (usually the reporting currency of the parent company), in order to prepare consolidated financial statements in the native currency of the parent company)
conversion monétaireforeign currency translation (The process of restating foreign currency accounts of subsidiaries into equivalent currency (usually the reporting currency of the parent company), in order to prepare consolidated financial statements in the native currency of the parent company)
conversion monétairecurrency conversion (The process of restating foreign currency accounts of subsidiaries into equivalent currency (usually the reporting currency of the parent company), in order to prepare consolidated financial statements in the native currency of the parent company)
conversion P2VP2V conversion (" The process by which a functioning physical computer is "converted" to an identical, or nearly identical, virtual machine.")
conversion synchronesynchronous conversion (​A mode of Word Automation Services in which requests are processed synchronously, rather than in batches)
conversion unboxingunboxing (The conversion of an object instance to a value type)
conversion V2VV2V conversion (" The process by which a functioning virtual machine created in VMware is "converted" to an identical, or nearly identical, virtual machine in Virtual Machine Manager.")
conversion à partir de fluxstream-based conversion (​A mode of Word Automation Services in which the input and output of the conversion are streams, rather than files on the site)
effectuer une conversion de codethunk (To call 32-bit code from 16-bit code, or vice versa. Thunking involves, in large part, the translation to and from 16-bit segment offset memory addressing and 32-bit flat, or linear, memory addressing)
effectuer une conversion de typecast To convert one data type to another, such as converting from integer to floating point (transtypage)
Environnement isolé de conversion Microsoft OfficeMicrosoft Office Isolated Conversion Environment (A feature that is added to the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack to open Word, Excel, and PowerPoint binary format files and securely convert them to the Office 2007 file formats)
facteur de conversion d'unitésunit conversion factor (The factor used to convert from one unit of measure to another unit of measure, such as from centimeters to meters)
fonction de conversionconversion function (A function that converts one data type or format to another data type or format)
heure de conversionconversion time (The time at which the conversion rate is applied to a transaction. If the conversion type is a fixed rate, the conversion time should always be the time at which the order was accepted for fulfillment. If the conversion type is a spot rate, the conversion time is when the bank performs the conversion)
outil de conversionconversion tool (A tool that is used to perform conversions)
Outil de conversion de piloteDriver Project Conversion Tool (A tool to help driver developers convert their existing driver source files into Windows 8 device drivers by using Visual Studio)
page de conversionconversion page (A Web site page that a visitor reaches after having completed an action)
règle de conversion de sortieoutbound translation rule (A rule that converts phone numbers to the local dialing format for interaction with private branch exchange (PBX) systems)
table de conversiongamma ramp A lookup table (LUT) of numeric values that is used to compensate for a particular monitor's color response. The table has three parts (one each for red, green, and blue), and each part has 256 lookup values. A gamma ramp is used to map the range of possible intensities for each color to a limited number (256) of values. An independent hardware vendor (IHV) chooses these values so that the transition from one color intensity to the next is as smooth as possible (since the eye perceives changes in light intensity nonlinearly) (LUT)
taux de conversion monétairecurrency conversion rate (The multiplier used for converting the base currency of the Web site to the buyer currency or supplier currency)
type de conversionconversion type (The type of currency conversion used to convert the buyer currency to the base currency for the Web site, or to convert the supplier currency to the base currency in a multicurrency transaction. The conversion type can be either a fixed (static) rate, or a spot (dynamic) rate)