
Terms for subject General containing C3 | all forms | in specified order only
Agence des C3 de l'OTANNATO Consultation, Command and Control Agency
anti C3counter command,control and communications
anti C3counter C3
combien crois-tu que ça va coûter? — oh, c'est un coup de 3 000 euroshow much do you think it will cost? — oh, about 3, 000 euros
c'était peu après 3 hit was soon after 3 o'clock
c'était peu après 3 hit was shortly after 3 o'clock
il fait 3°C maximumthe temperature is 3°C at the maximum
il fait 3°C maximumthe temperature is 3°C at the most
il fait 3°C minimumthe temperature is 3°C minimum
planification des C3ICommand, Control, Communications and Intelligence Planning
planification des C3IC3I Planning