
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Banque | all forms | exact matches only
banque de boîtes aux lettresmailbox store (A database for storing mailboxes in Exchange Server. Mailbox stores store data that is private to an individual and contain mailbox folders generated when a new mailbox is created for an individual. A mailbox store consists of a rich-text, .edb file, as well as a streaming native Internet content .stm file)
banque de données RFIDRFID store (The database that stores settings related to BizTalk RFID, such as device information and processes)
banque de faitsfact store (The database that stores information, including role and attributes, about actors. The fact store also provides hierarchy navigation so that actions can determine the relative positions of actors within an organization)
banque de messages BizTalkBizTalk message store (A Microsoft SQL Server table that holds all messages and their parts. Consuming orchestrations use the message references contained in the store to dequeue a copy of the message and its properties from the message store)
banque de propriétésproperty store (The table of properties and their values used and maintained by the Search service)
banque d'exclusionholdout store (The data mining structure that is used to cache the holdout data. It contains references to the holdout data)
banque d'expressionsexpression store (The tables in a Commerce Server database that store expression information)
banque d'informations ExchangeExchange store (A storage platform that provides a single repository for managing multiple types of unstructured information in one infrastructure. The Exchange store combines the features and functionality of the file system, the Web, and a collaboration server (such as Microsoft Exchange) through a single, URL-addressable location for storing, accessing, and managing information, as well as building and running applications. The Exchange store is also known as the Web Storage System)
banque d'éditeurs approuvéstrusted publisher store (A list of software publisher certificates used to digitally sign code, such as macros. Because you explicitly trust the software publishers, their code is allowed to run on your computer without needing to prompt for permission)
Banque royale du CanadaRoyal Bank of Canada (The largest bank in Canada as measured by assets and market capitalization)
banque virtuelle de médiasmedia pool (A logical collection of removable media that have the same management policies. Media pools are used by applications to control access to specific tapes or discs within libraries managed by Removable Storage)
banque virtuelle de médias d'applicationsapplication media pool (A media pool created by applications. Application media pools determine which media can be accessed by which applications and set the policies for that media. There can be any number of application media pools in a Media Service system)
banque virtuelle de médias de sauvegardebackup media pool (A logical collection of data-storage media that has been reserved for use by Microsoft Windows Backup. Backup uses Removable Storage to control access to specific media within a library)
banque virtuelle de médias d'importationimport media pool (A logical collection of data-storage media that has not been cataloged by Removable Storage. Media in an import media pool is cataloged as soon as possible so that they can be used by an application)
banque virtuelle de médias librefree media pool (A logical collection of unused data-storage media that can be used by applications or other media pools. When media are no longer needed by an application, they are returned to a free media pool so that they can be used again)
banque virtuelle de médias non reconnueunrecognized media pool (A repository of blank media and media that are not recognized by Removable Storage)
banque virtuelle de médias systèmesystem media pool (In Removable Storage, one of two classes of media pools: system and application. The system media pool holds cartridges that are not in use and includes free media pools, unrecognized media pools, and import media pools)
code guichet de la banquebank sorting code (A 6-digit code used by the British and Irish banking industries to identify banks and route money transfers between banks)
code MFO de la banque centraleCentral Bank MFO Code (A 9-digit code used to identify banks for routing transactions in the Russian Federation)
code transaction de la banque centralecentral bank transaction code (A statistical code defined by the Central Bank of Russia used to describe the subjects of payments denominated in Russian roubles for cross-border transactions)
gestionnaire de la banque de faitsfact store manager (The component that retrieves the fact information from the various FactRetriever objects)
numéro de transit de la banquebank transit number (A unique bank registration number that a bank uses to identify itself)
pilote de banque d'informationsstore driver (A software component of the Hub Transport Server that delivers inbound messages to Exchange stores, the databases that contain public folder and mailbox stores. The store driver is also responsible for retrieving messages from a user's outbox and submitting it for delivery)
remise en banquebank remittance (An amount of money sent to or from an account in a bank)
Service Banque d'informations sécuriséSecure Store Service (The shared service that securely stores credential sets for external data sources and associates those credential sets to identities of individuals or to group identities. This service can be used to support a variety of solutions. For example, the stored credentials can be leveraged by certain applications to enable single sign-on)