
Terms for subject Microsoft containing κατάσταση | all forms
επαναφορά από κατάσταση μηδενικών σφαλμάτωνzero bug bounce (" The first point in time after a milestone (typically code complete) that there are no active bugs accepted by the triage meetings that are older a specified amount of time (typically between 3 hours and 3 days). It is referred to as bounce because bugs checked in can cause regressions and these regressions can cause the number of bugs to "bounce" back up from zero.")
Επαφές χωρίς διαθέσιμη κατάστασηStatus Unavailable Contacts (The default contact group name that Communicator uses for all contacts for whom no status information is available)
Η κατάστασή μουMy Status (A menu item that opens another menu from which the user can change status settings)
κατάσταση έγκρισηςapproval status (The approval status for an entry)
κατάσταση ανάθεσηςdelegation state (The condition, at any particular time, of the delegation setting. Delegation state examples include read only, read/write, not delegated, and so on)
κατάσταση δημιουργίαςcreate mode (The mode in which certain information is not available for edit on the page until the page is saved after creation. An example of this would be the opportunity record pages, where the opportunity has to be saved before products can be added)
κατάσταση διαθεσιμότηταςfree/busy status (Information regarding the availability of a user)
κατάσταση διακοπήςbreak mode (A temporary suspension of program execution while in the development environment. In break mode, you can examine, debug, reset, step through, or continue program execution)
κατάσταση διατήρησηςhold status (The status of a feature to exempt items on SPS from being subject to the policy set on the site)
κατάσταση δραστηριότηταςactivity status (The condition, at a particular time, of an activity)
κατάσταση εγγραφήςrecord status (The condition, at a particular time, of a record)
κατάσταση εμφάνισηςskin mode (An operational state of Windows Media Player in which its user interface is displayed as a skin)
κατάσταση επανασύνδεσηςrebinding state (A state used by DHCP clients to extend and renew their address lease when the current lease is close to expiring. In this state, the client broadcasts to the network to locate any DHCP server that can either renew or replace its currently leased configuration. The rebinding state begins when 87.5 percent of the client`s lease time has elapsed)
κατάσταση εφαρμογήςapplication state (In ASP.NET, a variable store that is created on the server for the current application and is shared by all users. Application state is typically used to store information that is used for all users, such as application-wide settings)
κατάσταση εύρυθμης λειτουργίαςhealth status (A collection of statistics that indicates the degree to which a computer, server farm, or server cluster meets security, capacity, performance, usage, and other demands)
κατάσταση ιδιωτικής προβολήςprivate view state (State information that is written as a hidden field, such as the form that is currently active or the pagination information for a form)
Κατάσταση κλήσηςCall Status (A softkey option available when a call is in progress that switches from the Home Screen back to the phone user interface screen)
κατάσταση κρυπτογράφησηςcipher mode (The method used to encrypt data. The stream cipher mode encodes data one bit at a time. The block cipher mode encodes data one block at a time. Although it tends to execute more slowly than stream cipher, block cipher is more secure)
Κατάσταση λειτουργίας Cached ExchangeCached Exchange Mode (A feature that lets a Microsoft Outlook user who has a Microsoft Exchange e-mail account work offline, either by choice or due to a connection problem. A copy of the user's mailbox is stored on their computer and is frequently updated from the mail server. Any changes that are made while a connection to the server is not available are synchronized automatically when a connection becomes available)
κατάσταση λειτουργίας άμεσης ανταπόκρισηςdirect response mode (The default mode in which SQL Server statistics are gathered separately from the SQL Server Statistics display)
κατάσταση λειτουργίας εμφάνισης λεπτομερειώνverbose mode (A mode that presents the user with additional or more detailed information)
κατάσταση λειτουργίας συμβατότηταςcompatibility mode (A feature of a computer or operating system that allows it to run programs written for a different system)
κατάσταση λειτουργίας χαρακτήρωνcharacter mode (" A display mode in which the monitor can display letters, numbers, and other text characters but no graphical images or WYSIWYG ("what-you-see-is-what-you-get") character formatting (italics, superscript, and so on).")
Κατάσταση μειωμένης λειτουργικότηταςReduced Functionality Mode (A mode which prevents users from logging on to the computer until Windows is activated)
κατάσταση μηδενικών ελαττωμάτωνzero defect state (A point in the product cycle when the code does not generate errors that break a build)
κατάσταση παρουσίαςpresence status (One of the attributes that makes up presence and that indicates a person's availability and willingness to communicate)
κατάσταση περιόδου λειτουργίαςsession state (In ASP.NET, a variable store created on the server for the current user; each user maintains a separate Session state on the server. Session state is typically used to store user-specific information between postbacks)
κατάσταση πιστοποίησηςcertification status (The stage of an app in the certification process)
κατάσταση πληρωμήςpayment status (The condition of the payment schedule of an account or a business contact; possible values are "current" or 'overdue')
κατάσταση προβολήςview state (A mode of session state in which the entire session state is serialized and stored as a BLOB on the client then deserialized during every post-back. This has a tremendous hit in bytes over the wire (BoW), but is highly scalable in that it doesn't require storing information in the database)
κατάσταση προγράμματος-πελάτηclient status (A feature that monitors the health and activity of the Configuration Manager client and that can take remedial action if it is required)
κατάσταση πρώιμης χρήσηςconsume-first mode (One of the two statement completion modes that are provided by IntelliSense. Consume-first mode is used when classes and members are used before they are defined)
κατάσταση ροής εργασίαςworkflow status (The condition, at a particular time, of a workflow)
κατάσταση στοιχείων ελέγχουcontrol state (A field in an ASP.NET Web page that stores the current property settings for server controls on the page. Control state is used to recreate the page and reestablish previous settings on each postback)
κατάσταση σύνδεσηςonline status (The condition of a user that can be displayed to the user's contacts to communicate whether the user is currently online and available, offline and unavailable, and so on)
Κατάσταση υπηρεσίαςService status (A UI element that links to a Web page that displays the condition and quality of the service)
κατάσταση υποχρεωτικής μετονομασίαςforced rename state (The state that a Windows Live ID takes when the user account with which it is associated is deleted from Outlook Live, but the Windows Live ID for the account isn't deleted. The credentials for that Windows Live ID are still valid and recognized, but the Windows Live ID is put into a forced rename state. If someone tries to sign in using that Windows Live ID and its password, they're asked to rename the Windows Live ID. They can rename the Windows Live ID, but because the new e-mail address can't exist in the Outlook Live domain, the Windows Live ID is no longer functional in Outlook Live)
τυπική κατάσταση λειτουργίαςstandard mode (The standard statement completion mode that is provided by IntelliSense. Standard mode is used when classes and members are used after having been defined)