
Terms for subject Microsoft containing αναγνώριση | all forms
Αναγνώριση δικτύουNetwork Awareness (A service of Windows Vista that collects network information available to Windows on behalf of applications and enables them to easily and effectively adapt to changes in network environments)
αναγνώριση εσόδωνrevenue recognition (The process of transferring the revenue and costs currently recorded in the WIP balance sheet accounts to expense and revenue accounts in the Profit and Loss. The time and manner in which this can be performed is determined by Financial Standards)
αναγνώριση μπλοκBlock Recognizer (A version of the character recognizer feature that uses handwriting recognition to convert written shorthand symbols to typed text, and then inserts the text in a location that you can specify)
αναγνώριση ομιλίαςspeech recognition (The ability to interpret vocal commands or convert spoken words into computer-readable text. Speech recognition programs enable you to control an application or enter text by speaking into a microphone, rather than by using a keyboard)
αναγνώριση παρουσίαςpresence awareness (A feature that enables the user to see when people are working in a workspace, online, or offline)
αναγνώριση χειρογράφουhandwriting recognizer (A feature that converts writing into typed text)
αναγνώριση χειρογράφουhandwriting recognition (The act of handwriting being recognized as text on a Tablet PC)
Αυτόματη αναγνώριση ομιλίαςAutomatic Speech Recognition (Technology that allows machines to recognize and respond to human voice commands)
με αναγνώριση DPIDPI-aware (Pertaining to an application that is either system-DPI aware or per monitor–DPI aware)
με αναγνώριση DPI ανά οθόνηper monitor–DPI aware (Pertaining to an application that adjusts the size of UI elements dynamically to accommodate changes to the DPI setting)
με αναγνώριση DPI συστήματοςsystem–DPI aware (Pertaining to an application that always renders at the system DPI setting, which is calculated by Windows based on the primary display at first logon)
χωρίς αναγνώριση DPInot DPI-aware (Pertaining to an application that always renders at 96 DPI)