
Terms for subject Microsoft containing фізичне | all forms | exact matches only
реєстр фізичних осібNatural Persons Register (An 11-digit identification number issued to Brazilians and resident aliens by the Brazilian Ministry of Revenue for identification and tax purposes)
розширення фізичних адресphysical address extension (A feature that allows x86-based computers to support more than 4 gigabytes (GB) of physical memory. Up to 64 GB of physical memory can be used as regular 4-kilobyte (KB) pages, and the number of bits that can be used by the kernel to address physical memory can be expanded from 32 to 36)
розширення фізичних адресphysical address expansion (A feature that allows x86-based computers to support more than 4 gigabytes (GB) of physical memory. Up to 64 GB of physical memory can be used as regular 4-kilobyte (KB) pages, and the number of bits that can be used by the kernel to address physical memory can be expanded from 32 to 36)
фізична адресаabsolute address (An absolute (machine) address specifying a physical location in memory)
фізичне сховищеphysical store (The physical databases that comprise the Data Warehouse)
фізичний відсоток виконанняphysical percent complete (An alternative value to Percent [%] Complete or Percent [%] Work Complete that you enter per task. This may be useful when analyzing project performance through such means as variance analysis or earned value analysis)
фізичний дискphysical disk resource (A disk on a cluster storage device. Physical disks are supported as cluster resources by a Resource DLL)
фізичний рівеньphysical layer (Layer one of the OSI model. A software layer that transmits bits from one computer to another and regulates the transmission of a stream of bits over a physical medium. This layer defines how the cable is attached to the network and which transmission technique is used to send data over the cable)