
Terms containing стовпчастий | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSзвичайна стовпчаста діаграмаclustered column chart (A column chart subtype that compares values across categories. The categories are organized horizontally, and values vertically, to emphasize variation over time)
comp., MSнормована стовпчаста діаграма з накопиченням100% stacked column chart (A column chart subtype that compares the percentage that each value contributes to a total across categories)
comp., MSоб'ємна стовпчаста діаграма3-D column chart (A column chart subtype that compares data points along two axes)
comp., MSстовпчаста діаграмаcolumn chart (A graph that uses vertical bars to show data changes over a period of time or illustrate comparisons among items)
comp., MSстовпчаста діаграма з накопиченнямstacked column chart (A column chart subtype that shows the relationship of individual items to the whole, comparing the contribution of each value to a total across categories)
met.стовпчаста структураcolumnar structure
transp.стовпчастий буйspar-shaped buoy
transp.стовпчастий буйspar buoy
transp.стовпчастий буйpillar buoy
rec.mngmtстовпчастий графікbar chart
met.стовпчастий кристалcolumnar crystal
gen.стовпчастий метеорологічний буйmarisonde
comp., MSчасткова стовпчаста діаграмаfloating column chart (A stacked column chart that creates the effect of floating columns by making the first data series invisible. The result is a chart that depicts mininum and maximum values)