
Terms containing değer | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSABC kodlu değerABC code value (The categorization of an inventory item based on its value compared to the total inventory on hand)
comp., MSad/değer çiftiname/value pair (The name of a form field and the value of the field at the time the form is submitted)
environ.agronomik değeragronomic value The monetary or material worth at which buyers and sellers agree to do business for agricultural goods and services
comp., MSanahtar-değer çiftikey-value pair (A set of data items that contains a unique identifier, called a key, and a value that is the actual data for the key)
comp., MSanlamlı değersignificance (One of the arguments of the FLOOR function)
stat.artık değerresidual
stat.aykırı değer eğilimli dağılımoutlier prone distribution
comp., MSayrık değer tablosuoutrigger table (A table in the data warehouse that supports enumerations and that captures distinct values from a non-enumeration string property of a class)
stat.beklenen değerexpected value
math.beklenen değerexpectation
stat.belirtgen öz değerlatent root (vector)
math.belirtgen öz değerlatent root vector
math.belirtgen öz değereigenvalue
math.belirtgen öz değercharacteristic root
stat.bloke edilmiş uyarlanabilir hesaplaması-verimli aykırı değer aday göstericileriBACON algorithm
math.bloke edilmiş uyarlanabilir hesaplaması-verimli aykırı değer aday göstericileriblocked adaptive computationally-efficient outliers nominators
comp., MSboş değer atanabilir tipnullable type (In C, an instance of the System.Nullable struct that can represent the normal range of values for its underlying value type, plus an additional null value)
stat.bölen değerdividing value
comp., MSdeğer akışıvalue stream (An operating unit that controls one or more production flows)
comp., MSdeğer artırma düzeltmesiwrite-up adjustment (An adjustment to increase the value of a fixed asset for accounting purposes)
fin.değer artışıappreciation (Hozyayka_Mednoy_Gory)
comp., MSdeğer azaltma düzeltmesiwrite-down adjustment (An adjustment to decrease the value of a fixed asset for accounting purposes)
environ.değer değişimichange in value
comp., MSdeğer değiştirmevalue substitution (A string substitution performed on XML elements as a document passes through the pipeline)
comp., MSdeğer dönüştürücüsüvalue converter (A class that is used to convert values from one type to another. Useful when data binding when the source and target properties have mismatching types)
fin.değer düşüklüğüimpairment (Hozyayka_Mednoy_Gory)
comp., MSdeğer eşlemevalue mapping (The translation of field data values based on business rules)
comp., MSdeğer ifadesivalue expression (An expression in Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) that returns a value. Value expressions can operate on sets, tuples, members, levels, numbers, or strings)
stat.değer indeksivalue index
comp., MSdeğer katan satıcıvalue-added reseller (A company that adds features or customizations to an existing product and then re-sells that product to a customer)
comp., MSdeğer listesivalue list (A list of values used by some application, such as a database, as a search string or as values for a filtered query)
comp., MSdeğer modelivalue model (A method of changing the monetary value of a fixed asset over time for different purposes, such as accounting depreciation, tax depreciation, revaluation, and disposal)
comp., MSdeğer türüvalue type (A data type that is represented by the type's actual value. If a value type is assigned to a variable, that variable is given a fresh copy of the value. (This is in contrast to a reference type, where assignment does not create a copy) Value types are usually created on a method's stack frame, rather than in the garbage-collected heap. A value type can be boxed, which is a process that creates a corresponding reference type)
manag.değer zincirivalue chain (Natalya Rovina)
comp., MSdeğer çizgisitick mark (A small line of measurement, similar to a division on a ruler, that intersects an axis)
comp., MSdeğer çizgisi etiketitick-mark label (A label that identifies the categories, values, or series in a chart)
comp., MSdeğer çizgisi etiketitick mark label (A label that identifies the categories, values, or series in a chart)
comp., MSdeğişmez değerliteral (" A value used exactly as you see it. For example, the number 25 and the string "Hello" are both literals.")
stat.dip değertrough
comp., MSdüzeltilmiş değeradjusted price value (Similar to adjusted price, except it is not displayed in the local currency (that is, there is no currency associated with the price))
fin.ekonomik katma değerEconomic value added (EVA Hozyayka_Mednoy_Gory)
environ.eşik değerthreshold value The maximum concentration of a particular substance to which a worker should be exposed in a given period of time
stat.eşitleyen değerequalising value
stat.genelleştirilmiş uç-değer dağılımıgeneralized extreme-value distribution
math.genelleştirilmiş uç-değer dağılımıgeneralised extreme-value distribution
comp., MSgerçek değeractual value (A value for a KPI that is compared to a predefined target value)
comp., MShesaplanan değercalculated value (A read-only value that is the result of a lookup or calculation against the data using an XPath expression)
fire.kalorifik değercalorific value (deprecated - TS EN 13943: heat of combustion Natalya Rovina)
comp., MSkanarya değercanary value (A predetermined value that must be present in a client-server request for the request to be considered valid)
stat.karşı orta değerantimode
comp., MSkatma değer vergisivalue-added tax (A tax on products at each stage of their production based on the value added during that stage)
manag.katma değer zincirivalue-added chain (Natalya Rovina)
comp., MSkazanılmış değer analiziearned value analysis (A method for determining project performance which involves comparing the value of the work that was planned with the budgeted cost of the work performed to date, with what was actually spent. These comparisons provide invaluable information about actual conditions within the project and trends that may be developing in terms of schedule and cost performance)
stat.koşullu beklenen değerconditional expected value
math.koşullu beklenen değerconditional expectation
math.kritik değerrejection limit
stat.kritik değersignificance point
math.kritik değercritical value
logicmantıksal değerlogical value (Natalya Rovina)
comp., MSonaltılık değerhexadecimal value (A value that follows a format of 4 channels--including an alpha channel--and is composed in the following format: AARRGGBB. Hex is commonly used for Web and screen design as many browsers render colors based upon hex values)
math.ortalama kritik değer yöntemiaverage critical value method (metodu)
comp., MSortanca değermedian value (The middle value in a set of ordered numbers. The median value is determined by choosing the smallest value such that at least half of the values in the set are no greater than the chosen value. If the number of values within the set is odd, the median value corresponds to a single value. If the number of values within the set is even, the median value corresponds to the sum of the two middle values divided by two)
stat.orta-ortalama değermid-mean
fin.riske maruz değervalue at risk (Hozyayka_Mednoy_Gory)
stat.riskteki değerVaR
math.riskteki değervalue at risk
comp., MSsabit değerfixed value (A user-entered value or value from a static source that does not change unless manually altered by the user)
environ.sosyal değersocial value Regarding social values, distinctions are often drawn between values, which are strong, semi permanent, underlying, and sometimes inexplicit dispositions, and attitudes, which are shallow, weakly held, and highly variable views and opinions. Societies can usually tolerate highly diverse attitude, whereas they require some degree of homogeneity and consistency in the values held by people, providing a common fund of shared values which shape social and political consensus
environ.tarımsal ürün ve hizmetlere az değer biçmeagricultural undervaluation The underrating or diminishing in value of agricultural or farming goods and services
stat.tekil değer ayrışımısingular value decomposition
stat.tipik değermodality
comp., MStoplam değeraggregate (A single value that is composed of multiple values)
comp., MStoplu değerrollup (The calculated value of an item that is based on a weighted average of the values of its child entries)
comp., MSTür, Uzunluk, DeğerType, Length, Value (A method of organizing data that involves a Type code (16 bit), a specified length of a Value field (16 bit), and the data in the Value field (variable))
comp., MSTür-Uzunluk-DeğerType-Length-Value (A method of organizing data that involves a Type code (16 bit), a specified length of a Value field (16 bit), and the data in the Value field (variable))
stat.değer dağılımlarıGumbel distribution
math.değer dağılımlarıextreme-value distributions
stat.değer ortalamasıextreme mean
comp., MSvarsayılan değerdefault value (A value that is automatically entered in a field or control when you add a new record. You can either accept the default value or override it by typing a value)
comp., MSvarsayılan değer olarakby default (How a program's action is determined if the user does not make a choice or supply a required value)
comp., MSvirgülle ayrılmış değer dosyasıcomma-separated value file (A data file consisting of fields and records, stored as text, in which the fields are separated from each other by commas)
stat.Wishart'ın en sık görülen değer analiziWishart's modal analysis
stat.Wishart'ın en sık görülen değer çözümlemesiWishart's modal analysis
stat.yinelemesiz artık değernon-recursive residual
stat.yüksek-düşük değer grafiğihigh-low graph
comp., MSçekirdek değerseed (An initial value used to generate pseudorandom numbers)
stat.özyinelemeli artık değerrecursive residual